What's going to kill you? Your chances of a news worthy death are far smaller than CNN might make you think.

Chances of dying from the following:
Cause In the next year Lifetime
Heart Disease 1 in 340 1 in 3
Cancer 1 in 500 1 in 5
Stroke 1 in 1,700 1 in 14
All Accidents 1 in 2,900 1 in 25
Auto Accident 1 in 5,000 1 in 45
Suicide (Male) 1 in 5,000 1 in 45
Murder 1 in 11,000 1 in 93
Accident at Work 1 in 11,000 1 in 93
AIDS 1 in 11,500 1 in 97
Suicide (Female) 1 in 20,000 1 in 180
Fire 1 in 50,000 1 in 800
Airplane Crash 1 in 250,000 1 in 4,000
Falling out of Bed 1 in 2,000,000 1 in 30,000
Lightning 1 in 2,000,000 1 in 30,000
Being hit by a Meteor 1 in 5,000,000,000 1 in 73,000,000