The Battle of Britain-1940 /// Dear friends. We are sorry but due to the closing of Geocities, this site will be discontinued. Please look for us in the near future.


1. History of the Battle of Britain

2.Fighter Planes and Bombers of the Battle of Britain:




Adolf Galland
Johnnie Johnson

4. Art representing the Battle of Britain - page 1 page 2

5. Some interesting links (last updated sep00)

6. Books and movies

7. War Games


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Hi! I am Fabricio.Thank you for visiting this page. I am a big fan of The Battle of Britain, its heroes and fabulous machines and I thought it would be nice sharing with other History lovers some of the information I have gathered about this subject. I hope you have enjoyed. Thank you and come back often. This page has been on line for more 8 years!!

8. My e-mail for comments and suggestions.  ..visitors since jun29, 99