God Protect Us

by: Richard Stevens

Cry a tear for Kosovo, this dark and dreary day
The bombs are falling all around, while the children are at play.
The Stench of death is in the air as the missiles hit the ground
Why oh why then wasn’t a peaceful solution found?

People fleeing for their lives from the NATO bombers run
Soldiers looking shocked and stunned, cuddling their guns
People fleeing underground, like rats into the shelters
Why in this present age can't we stop this helter skelter?

Not since the dark days of Hitler's reign have bombs on Europe fell
So friend as you read this verse this point I wish you dwell
Armageddon and the fall of man may be just around the bend
If the slaughtering of our brothers in the east we fail to end

Peace on Earth becomes a myth at the closing of the year
Through Britain and the USA mankind may yet pay to dear
So don’t agree with all you see as in the papers you meander
The news is filled today with capitalist propaganda

So cry a tear for kosovo, when you see them on the news
Spare a thought for the innocents, that bombs of the west abuse
Pray then for your soul when your work this day is done
For every life that’s taken is someone's daughter or son.

I know I said that poems were not going to be posted for a while, but I thought I needed to post this one. Thanks Richard for submitting this poem!

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