Vikings! of Middle England have now become established as one of the premier re-enactment groups in the country and probably Europe. It is no idle boast that we keep 5000+ crowds interested and entertained for a whole day!

Whether booked as an adjunct to an established event or as the sole contractors for a purely Dark Age/early Medieval show, Vikings! of Middle England will give you a superb series of displays and events and dynamic advertising potential.

We are able to offer a complete package - our own technical equipment, qualified first aid staff (which may be used for the rest of your event), pre-event publicity and press releases and availability to assist with your event advertising.

Select the following for more information:

Show Dates

Our Shows

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We need YOU! Join the Vikings! Ring 0116 273-5624

All text and images copyright 1997 Vikings! of Middle England

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Last Updated 13/10/1997