This is a multicultural lesson plan. I used it as a student project for the Wolf Creek Art Fair on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
1) The students will: 1) cut along lines to make paper bear claws; 2) string pasta and paper claws to make a "bear claw" necklace
1) Students--red, yellow and blue colored pasta to string, string, scissors, brown construction
paper (with bear claw shapes photo-copied on), brown paper tags for names, baggie
2) Teacher--demonstration project, color wheel transparency, scotch tape
Talk about primary colors. Today we will make a bear claw necklace, using the primary colors (show demonstration project).
Demonstrate steps for making a necklace (string a red, then yellow, then blue pasta, then string a claw, and repeat). Write your name on the brown tag, and string it on last.
Monitor, circulate around the room while the students make their projects.
Note: To make distribution easier, the materials were set on a table in assembly line fashion.
Each student was given a baggie. They went down the "assembly line" taking the pieces they
needed, put them in the baggie, and went back to their seat to make their necklace. To make
stringing easier, wrap a piece of scotch tape around one end of each string, and use that end as
the threading end.
Ask: What did we do today?
The students will be evaluated through questions and their finished projects.