Multicultural Colors (suggested grades K through 1)

This multicultural lesson plan teaches the Lakota Sioux words for various colors! I used it as a student project for the Wolf Creek Art Fair on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.


1) The students will cut along lines to make feathers. 2) The students will glue paper feathers to the corresponding outlined areas of their papers. 3) The students will say the Lakota words for red, yellow, blue, orange, green and violet. (For how to pronounce the Lakota words for colors, and other information on Lakota, see my Lakota Page.)

Materials Needed

1) Students--handouts of a Native American in a headdress (see illustration below), scissors, glue, construction paper in the necessary colors, feather shape stencils (if the students are going to trace their own feathers before cutting them out) 2) Teacher--colorwheel showing the Lakota names for colors, an already finished project, enough materials to demonstrate/model the project



(Suggestion: Do lessons about primary and secondary colors before this lesson, and tie this lesson in with those previous lessons. The students should also know who Lakota Sioux are prior to this lesson.) We will use the Lakota words for colors when making our projects.


Go over the Lakota names on the colorwheel with the students. Point out that the Lakota names for primary colors are "blended" to make the secondary colors. (Example: blue is "to", red is "sa", and green is "tosa".) Demonstrate how to make the project.


Monitor while students make their projects.


Ask: What did we do today? What is the Lakota word for the color _____ ?

Student Evaluation

The students will be evaluated through questions and their finished projects.

Self Evaluation (What can I do better next time?)


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