
In the list below, you can find a few pages borrowed from other people, and put here by their consent.
The Roots of Modern Science and Christianity by V.V.Raman
With comments by P.Jones and Raman's reply. - HTML
The Antichristian by F.Nietzsche
Translation and notes by S.Steel; formatting and proofing by P.Ivanov. - MS Word 6, ZIP
From Simplicity to Hypercomplexity by V.V.Raman
Originally published as Target Article 5, of 14 December 1997, at the Karl Jaspers Forum. - HTML
Will the author of the Archipelago Gulag write a new book, the Black continent GUIN, or One day of Denis Vladimirovich? by Eric Kotlyar
Originally published in Moskovskaya Pravda, 28 July 2001 - in Russian, MS Word'97

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