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I have a dream...

...and so do you, I trust. If you're interested in dreams and dream analysis, here are some interesting sites to visit.

First of all: visit DreamLynx

...and then...

Night Flight -- a forum for discussions of dreams and related subjects
Night Flight: maintenance
DreamUp, The Dream Analysis Website
The Jung Index
A large number of recordings; not operational any longer.
Quantitative Studies (Calvin S. Hall-style)
Jungian dream analysis
CHAKRAS - The White Sorcerer
Dream Central
Psych Web by Russ Dewey
The Association for the Study of Dreams
Dreams - Dream Central
lifetreks - Dream Interpretation Services Page
Doctor Dream INDEXD.htm
The Dream Tree
The Dream TreeFrequently Asked Questions about DREAMS

Psychological type


Griebel's Jungian Personality Test -- my own test, www-based (javascripts including other javascripts -- may not function with your browser)
Fudjack/Dinkelaker Preference-Order Instrument (experimental) -- VERY interesting; does the same thing as my own: examine the preference of thinking, feeling, intuition, sensing.
Duniho & Duniho Life Pattern Indicator (DDLI) -- you have to download a program to run on your computer
me2 -- doesn't seem to be operational any longer (?)
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter -- here's one that works

Other -- descriptions of the 16 types (older version) -- descriptions of the 16 types (newer version)
A description of intp's -- mostly based on theory
The intp mailing list faq -- also with a description of the intp's ("observed behaviour")
Home of the INTP's!
Homepages of various INTP's ; cf. The Personality Index -- a list of lists of homepages for various types
The Dominant of Introverts -- my own essay about psychological type
Born to Explore! The Other Side of ADD -- a site about AD(H)D, Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
Team Technology, UK

Tech stuff

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Other sites of interest

Cindy Crawford Concentration -- recommended!
Tibet Homepage
Svend Aage Madsens Skriv videre-roman -- Sv.Aa. Madsen is a Danish author, and this was a project to collectively write a novel; I made a number of submissions, and it was great fun -- but it's in Danish
Japansk-Dansk Ordbog -- Munksgaards www-page about my Japanese-Danish Dictionary
Århus Studenternes Filmklub -- the film club of the students of Aarhus.
Århusianerne møder Internettet
Things that might be interesting...
Wordbot -- go here, then go to any other page, and every word on the page will link to the corresponding entry in Webster's Dictionary, or to Roget's Thesaurus, etc.


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