- The Emperors of Chocolate : Inside the Secret World
of Hershey and Mars by Brenner.
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain.
- The Odyssey, Homer.
- Treasure Island, Robert Lewis Stevenson.
- Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling.
- Why Do Buses Come in Threes: The Hidden Mathematics of
Everyday Life, Jeremy Wyndham
- Things to write: stories, poems, letters, essays, reports
- Classical Music : The 50 Greatest Composers and Their
1,000 Greatest Works by Phil G. Goulding, Phil G.
Education Goals
- Arts
- Music
- Finish Alfred level 6. Should be fairly easy.
- Be able to teach. Help and teach Kimberley.
- Able to sing. Need a program or a tutor here.
- Able to play in a group. Perhaps duets with
Kimberley or someone else in the Nashua groups.
- Advanced Placement in Music. Ask Mrs. Balcom if she
has any ideas on this. Ask piano-l this too.
- Art: do something!
- Theatre and performing arts: take the kids to
performances; see if we can find a performance for them.
- Math
- Differential Equations
- Linear Algebra
- Discrete Mathematics
- Formal Languages
- Geometry
- Computer Science
- Programming
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Organization
- Databases
- Operating Systems
- Algorithms
- Networks
- Compilers
- Graphics
- Software Engineering
- Science
- Physics: finish Physics for Scientists and Engineers.
- Chemistry: get a lab course or use the textbook.
- Biology: get a lab course and use the textbook.
- Chinese
- Reading, Listening to SAT II level. Ask Merrimack
High School if they can provide us with a sample
listening tape and/or test.
- Writing, Speaking as per chinese school.
- Language Arts
- Writing at a college level. Use Writing Strands,
revision, diary and the Little, Brown Handbook.
Write essays, reports, research papers.
- Reading: he's reading loads of fiction. We need to
add poetry, plays, mythology, classics.
- Reading comprehension. We need something for this.
- Vocabulary: look for an online or computer program.
- Speaking: maybe we need to start a club.
- French and German Literature: use my books from college.
- Social Studies
- History: US, NH, World
- Civics, Government
- Economics, psychology
- Geography