Dan Bramson / Resume

Israeli ID: 52185170
Date of Birth: November 17, 1953
Married + 3 Children
10, Chen Ave.
Netanaya 42438
Home: 972-9-8616793
Work: 972-4-8292846
Email: bramson@pobox.com.

Academic Degrees:

1975-1979 Technion Institute - Technology Institute of Israel, Chemical Engineering, B.Sc. Degree.

1979-1982 Technion Institute - Technology Institute of Israel, Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. Degree.



Technion Institute - Technology Institute of Israel, Chemical Engineering.

1979-1982 Assistant

Technion Institute Foundation of Research and Development.

1982-1996 Senior Research Assistant


Professional Experience in Research and Development:

Execution of funded research projects in the general field of Water Technology. This activity included the following substantial projects:
The development of rehabilitation of water pipes by controlled calcite coating of the pipes inside. This project included process development in the laboratories of the Chemical Engineering Faculty and participant in the field application of the process in pipes at Washington DC as well.
Development of a portable coating system for rehabilitation of roasted domestic plumbing in Japanese apartments. A pilot plan was performed in order to adjust the technology for domestic plumbing and a detailed design were implemented for a Japanese company.
An extensive pilot plan work for a basic research of the activity of scale inhibitors in film system that simulated cooling towers.
Research of the factors that cause blocking of water wells and development of cleaning methods. In this work a new monitoring technic was developed. In this technic the monitoring of the blocking process in a specific well is performed threw send columns which are build near the well and supply data about the blockage processes.
The development of a New Concentrating Device meant to keep clean heat transfer areas. This process is investigated in two directions. The first, evaporation of water streams until drying and preventing accumulation of scale on the heat transfer areas. The second, using a new method to concentrate of a flowing film of dead sea water by absorbing the water vapors using a parallel flowing film of a concentrated dead sea water.


    D. Hasson and D. Bramson, "The Performance of a Magnetic Water Conditioner Under Accelerated Scaling Conditions", Proc. Conf. on Progress in the Prevention of Fouling in Industrial Plants, Nottinghan University, pp. 217-223 (1981).

    D. Hasson and D. Bramson, "Effectiveness of Magnetic Treatment in Suppressing CaCO3 Scale Deposition, "Ind/ Eng. Chem., Process Design & Develop., 22 pp. 588-592 (1985).

    D. Hasson, D. Bramson and B. Limoni, "The Effect of Heat and Mass Transfer on Scale Formation in a Falling Film System", Proc. Third World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo, Japan 2, pp. 544-547 (1986).

    D. Hasson, S. Keysar, D. Bramson and J. Zehavi, "Corrosion Protection Characteristics of Cement-Lined and Calcite-Lined Case Iron Exposed to Water", (Abstract) 28th Corrosion Science Symp., Glasgow University, UK (1987).

    D. Hasson, S. Keysar, D. Bramson and J. Zehavi, "Corrosion Protection Charatectics of Calcite Lined Iron Water-Supply Pipes", Proc. 9th European Congress on Corrosion, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 6 pp, (1989).

    D. Bramson, R.Semiat and D. Hasson, "Some observations on CaSO4 scale formation", Proc. Eurotherm Seminar No. 40, Combined energy and water management in industry, University of Thessaloniki, Octorber 1994.

    Dan Bramson, David Hasson and Raffi Semiat, "The Roles of bubbling, wall crystallization and particulated deposition in CaSO4 Scale formation, Desalination 100 (1995) 105-113.

    D. Hasson, D. Bramson, B. Limoni-Relis and R. Semiat, "Influence of the Flow System on the Inhibitory Action of CaCO3 Scale Prevention Additives, Desalination, 108(1996), pp. 67-79.

    R. Semiat, D. Bramson and D. Hasson, "Study of Scale Control in a High Recovery RO System", Proc. of Intern. Membrance Science and Technology Conf., 12-14 November 1996, Univ. of NSW, Sydney, Australia, pp.271-273.

    R. Semiat, D. Hasson and D. Bramson, "Development of a test method for characterizing threshold limits of scaling in high recovery RO systems", Proc. Membrane Technology Conf., 23-26 February, 1997, AWWA new Orleans, pp. 1013-1026.

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