Science Department

    The Science Department is staffed by Diana Barnhart, Dave Buck-Moyer and Susan Harmon, three wonderful teachers. The progam is a three semester (one semester in 7th grade, 2 in 8th grade) survey coursss intergrating learning from life, physical and earth sciences. We do many labs, including dissecting eyeballs, solving crimes with DNA, culturing bacteria, building electric circuits, testing local water, designing and building mouse trap powered cars, constructing atom models, surveying real macroinvertebrete creek communities, and planning for life on other planets. Computer simulations allow us to solve a real medical mystery, wrestle with energy resources, and experience how small changes can effect the ecosystem. Community services include running the school recycling program and volunteer monitoring and testing of the creek watter going into Morro Bay.

Science Department staff:
Dave Buck-Moyer
Diana Barnhart
Susan Harmon