Internet Link Exchange
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Things are a bit disorganized, but you're welcome to look around.

You might try clicking on blue dots in this piece:

[a piece of a fractal]

A miscellany concerning Napoleon may interest you. It will probably grow.

Here is a commemorative medal from the catalog of Napoleonic medals.

Here is a copy of another commemorative medal from Napoleonic times.

Here is a special page. It is used for a changing exhibit of Napoleonic commemorative medals.

Here is a special memorial.

Here is the index to the etchings.

Here is a seventeenth century table of contents.

Here is part of a seventeenth century letter.

Here is a word to the wise.

Click this fractal by Alden Bliss to see another of his.

[a piece of another fractal]

[yet another piece of a fractal]

This thumbnail links to a pleasant and enormous deepzoom fractal
made by Noel Giffin and used here with his kind permission.

Links to other sites on the Web

HTML Primer
fractals, Fractint program

animated fractals & much more

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