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   The whole logbook is uploaded to the Logbook of the World and eQSL


  The station

The SV8RX ham station has been established in 1981. The station   is located in Lat: 20.53 and Long: 37.46 or QRA locator KM07KS.   He was very active all these years after, working all bands and modes. He took the all band DXCC # 14360 Phone, with a current  sum of 303 countries, DXCC#40454 Mixed with 307 countries and CQ WAZ #2920 awards. Recently the station is active in digital modes. As a result of this activity he was awarded with the TARA PX  and TARA GRID awards ( He got the 6th position in the RUMBLE TARA contest in fall 2004  and the 1st position in fall 2005  ( He is a member of European PSK Club (EPC#514). As a member of this famous club he got the following awards: EUSPA1000 #005,  EPCDX#005, EPCEU#008, EPCAS#002, EPCAF#002, EPCOC#002, PHASE100#005, BPSK31#008, BPSK63#004

The station is rigged by the following transceivers:


        IC-7000 (6M AND UP)

   FT-857 (MOBILE)

   TS-440S (BACK UP)



The operator

George Antonopoulos is a 58-year old man. He is a physicist, Ph.D. He is working as researcher in earthquake prediction. He is a member of scientific VAN-group, dealing with earthquake prediction. Except ham radio he is very fond of computers. He has been the Principal of 1st Gymnasium of Zante, during 1997-2001.  He has been director of Board of  Secondary Education of Zante Island during 2002-2004. Recently he is teaching Physics in ATEI of Ionian Islands, Department of Ecology and Environment (


The Island

We live in an  island    located   in Ionian sea, 300Km west of Athens.      Actually is a small island 400 squared kilometers with population of about 40000 people, called Zakinthos (Zante). The IOTA number is EU 052. For more information click the picture on the left.






Buckmaster Callbook

DX news and logs

DX-Telnet (a great tool for the serious DXer)

TRX-Manager (the best HF rig controlling software by F6DEX)

SV8CS (My friend's home page)



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