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Treasure Chest

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featuring:  Proverbs    Gita  ... and more.
by Michael Levi Benyosef (Josephson) .
Proverbs -
Millenium Transcription

A new translation of a book of Biblical wisdom.

Residue of Love

A dialog based on "Song of Songs",
with a commentary by Muniraja Bhaktipada.


Some Medieval Jewish poetry.

Refuah Shlema

Prayer for a sick friend

Rabbi D S Boros

About my teacher and friend, Rabbi David Solomon Boros, PHD, z''l

Raja and Rebbe Rap Dialog between a Goswami and a Rabbi.

by Muniraja Bhaktipada.
Bhagavad Gita -
Jewel of the Orient

A verse rendition of the classic dialectic on yoga from ancient India.

The Golden Avatara

Conversations with Shri Chaitanya Saraswati

The Indigo Avatara

The Teachings of Sukadeva Goswami

Muniraja's Album

Portraits of characters from the Mahabharata.

  Bayeux - The Battle of Hastings  
Sonic Boom
Contemporary poetry. "Hear the thunder high above.
Feel the rumble deep within."

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