Islam! The Perfection of Life

Islam, is a religion that has been misconstrued by many people since its advent and by explaining a few points I wish to emphasize and re-establish its true meaning. I also wish to further the understanding of this truely wonderful religion by addressing facts on Women in Islam, Marriage and its benefits and to explain why various acts are prohibited by showing scientific proof.

What is Islam? What it means? And who are the Muslims

The literal meaning of Islam means "to submit to.." In this context to submit to the one and only Almighty God. Thus the word Muslim is derived from Islam. Muslim meaning "the one who submits to the will of God". Islam teaching humankind to submit willfully to the commands of the Almighty by obeying all His orders, and living a wholesome and truely satisfied life.

The complete submission to God almighty is relayed in many verses of the HOLY QURAN. The Quran describes:-

"say: verily my prayer and my sacrifice,my life and my death, (are all, only) for God, the Lord of the worlds." 6:163

" Yea! Whosoever submitteth his self(entirely to God and is a doer of good, for him there shall be his reward with his lord, on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." 2:112

The follwing verse gives the last word on the choice of a religion for mankind :-

"And whosoever seeketh any religion other than Islam never shall it be accepted from him, and in the next world he shall be among the Losers." 3:84

Shia'ism, i.e, Islam Original.

Shia'ism - What it is and Why it is called so?

It is a historic fact that no sooner the Holy Prophet departed from this world than the vested interest of man, gained hold on matter secular as well as spiritual and started additions and subtractions and thus adulterated the orignal teachings of Islam, misinterpreting the Word of God and minting counterfeit traditions in the name of the Holy Prophet.

The Holy Prophet before departing from this world, had openly and repeatedly made the following guiding announcements, for the people to abide by them :-

" Of whomsoever I am the Lord, this Ali is the Lord." (hadith-e-Gadeer-e-Khum)

And Finally the Holy Prophet, before his departure, had declared:-

" I leave behind me amidst you Two Weighty (very important) things, the Book of God (Holy Quran) and my Ahlul Bait (people of the house of the Prophet) Should ye be attached to these two, never, never shall ye get astray, and never shall these Two be separated from one another until they meet me at the Springs of "Kauthar" (Paradise)." (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Tafsir-e-Durre Manthur and Others).

People neglected the Ahlul-Bait and began following their own ways and yet called their innovated Schools, as Islam, and themselves the deviaters from the prescribed course, as Muslims. Therefore those who faithfully followed the original teachings of the Holy Quran and remained faithfully attached to the course prescribed by the Holy Prophet, had necessarily to distinguish themselves from the others who had discarded the divinely set up guides, the Ahlul-Bait (People of the house of the Prophet).

Thus those who followed Ali (a.s) in the place of the Holy prophet, called themselves Shia's and identified it as Shia'ism. Ali (a.s) was the truly chosen leader after the Holy Prophet, whom the Prophet himself had clearly stated at (Gadeer-e-khum). Others disobeyed the Holy Prophet and chose their own leaders.

In fact the Shia-Ithna-Asheri School is the Quranic Islam of the Holy Prophet and the rest are the newly started sects and sub-sects deviating from the Original course.

As I have clearly mentioned above, Islam has been greatly misinterpreted. People are taking everything at face value. I would like to take the opportunity to say to the readers out there, that if there is anything that you do not understand about Islam, please feel free to Email me. I will try my best to answer these questions. Do not believe anything just because you heard it on CNN. Take time to analyze the situations and then make your interpretation.We hear and read so much about Muslim terrorist and Muslim fundamentalist. In fact there was a point in my life whereby a classmate of mine was literally afraid of me as he thought I was some sort of Muslim terrorist or something to that effect. This situation was really embarrassing for me as I then realized what an ugly picture was drawn of my religion.

One so called Muslim or a group of Muslims have completely changed the very essence of the true meaning of Islam by pursuing their own selfish needs and desires. The public must understand that there are people who just CALL themselves Muslims for the sake of it, but they do not practice the religion of Islam. Not all Muslims are real Muslims. Even as seen in any other religion in the world, i.e. Christianity, there are people who just call themselves Christians, but they don't even know how to get to church.

Therefore do not stereotype Islam because of the doings of a number of people. Saddam Husain for example is just a Muslim by name. He has defaced the true Islam by portraying violence, injustice and corruption. He has no place in the true Islam. Thus, my cyberguests, it becomes essential to understand the difference between a Muslim and a "True Muslim". The following list will give you an idea of "Who Is a True Muslim":

A True Muslim
  • Prays 5 times a day only for the sake of his Creator not for the sake of the people.
  • Does not force people to convert to Islam, but ensure that they first understand what Islam is.
  • Does not cause violence unnecessarily unless provoked or unless his/her life is in danger. (An Eye for an Eye)
  • Does NOT hijack planes to free prisoners or ask for money.
  • Does NOT terrorize people as it is against Islamic law.
  • Is NOT allowed to hurt women or children whether in a WAR or NOT.
  • Is supposed to treat his friends, relatives and ESPECIALLY Parents with utmost respect.
  • Is supposed to obey his parents all the time, unless if they suggest doing something that is against the law of Islam.
  • Is NOT allowed to drink alcohol
I hope that the above list will clear some misconceptions the reader has about Islam.

In the following section, I would like to shed some light on Women In Islam. The common Questions that arise are "Are women really free in Islam?. What is Hijab?, and Why is it worn by women?".

Women In Islam.

In Praise of the Lady Of Light Fatima Zahra (a.s)

"Maryam az ek nisbate Eesa Aziz Az se nisbat Hazrate Zahra Aziz
Revered is Mary for only being related to Jesus, For three relationships is Zahra (Fatema)revered.

Noore Chushme Rahmatun lil-Aalameen On Imame Awwaleen wa Aakhareen
The beloved daughter she is of the Mercy unto the worlds (Holy Prophet) Who is the Leader of the forgone and the subsequent generations.

Banue e On Tajdure Hal'ata Murtuza, Mushkil Khusha, Shere Khuda.
Wife she is of the one distinguished by Hal'ata (Holy Imam Ali). God's Chosen one, The Divine Helper, the Lion of God.

Maadare On Markaze Parkaar e Ishq Maadare On Karvan Saalaare Ishq
The Mother of the Pivot of the Divine Love (Holy Imam Hassan & Hussain) The Mother of the Leader of the Caravan of Love. (Hussain from whom started the successive line of Holy Imams.) Hussain-the Chief of the Martyrs of Karbala.

(Dr.Iqbal's Quran & Iqbal)

Did you know that the Religion of Islam was the first religion ever to offer women the freedom that they deserved? Yet, today Islamic women are labeled as slaves. How can this be accepted when women of the "Modern era" have so convieniently indulged in immoral and disgraceful acts, saying that this gives them the equality they deserve?

How can people say that islamic women have no freedom, while the women of the "Modern era" have entered the beastly realm of immorality? Showing your naked self to the world is freedom?? Acting totally unethical and telling the world that this is a plea for individual liberty is freedom??

"Let every intelligent gentleman and respectable woman, judge if this could ever be the object of the creation of the chaste beauty and the glorious life of gentle womanhood, to be ruined in the public streets and to be torn and shattered in the slaughter houses of immorality labelled as clubs and hotels."

Women have been created for the healthy communion of pure and chaste sexual love, with a moral purposeful sacred mingling for the fulfilment of the divine plan for the continuity of the human progeny and NEVER for any immoral traffic in any of the walks of human life on earth.

Freedom does not come from showing your bodies; nor does it come from drinking and smoking or using drugs. Freedom comes from faith, freedom comes from inside your heart, it comes from thinking and feeling pure and clean. In the name of freedom and liberty, women can show their bodies or act disgracefully, but they will never be free until they find the true meaning of freedom.

Today, the media has distorted the true identity of women in Islam. It has led people to believe that women in Islam are treated like slaves and that they are forced to do housework and take care of the children. My friends, Islam gave women freedom 1400 years ago. Since then women were allowed to study and to gain knowledge, they were allowed to work.

But there was a condition. That condition was that they could do anything provided it was inside the laws of Islam and one of the law states that all women are to wear HIJAB (a covering used to hide the female body from lustfull sights of men) This covering gave women respect, dignity and most of all a true image of chaste beauty. This has yet not been achieved my western women.

The following link will be of great interest to those in search of the real truth behind the equality of Women and Men

Women In Islam VS Judaeo-Christian Tradition: The Myth & Reality.

The second great historical note on women is when Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) married Khadija-bint-Khuwaylid. Even before her marridge, she was a very chaste person with a excellent character, and was blessed with great wealth. It must be noted, that Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) married 15 years before the Message of God was revealed. However the Prophet too was known as As-Sadiq (the Truthfull) and Al-Amin (The Honest). Lady Khadija married the Prophet of Islam because he was the only person at that time that was brought up in the realm of excellent morals, and characters.

Allah (s.w.a) revealed the message of Islam when the Prophet was 40 years of age. Thus in the early era of Islam, people used to mock at the Prophet when he attempted to preach Islam. However one of the greatest things was that his wife Lady Khadija-bint-Khuwaylid, was one of the first people to accept Islam and she was not only a wife to him, but a great adviser and guide. She spent her wealth in the way of Allah (s.w.a) in propagating islam. Her morals, faith, loyalty and excellence were known so much, that she became a model for everyone to follow.

Through the marridge of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) and Lady Khadija, they were blessed with a daughter Fatima-bint-Zahra. Out of such excellence in every field came a daughter that was excellent too. She is known as the Lady of Light. And as seen above, the poem dedicated to the Lady Fatima tells of the greatness of this Lady. In everyway her character was a light for the people. Her morals were a guide to the women and are still a guide to all the women in the world. Her faith and loyalty to her Creator Allah (s.w.a) and her chastity signified that not only were Men capable of reaching great height Women were capable too.

My friends, this is not the end of the greatness of women, infact this is just the beginning. One must understand that even before the advent of Islam, other such great women were Mariam (Mary) mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ)(peace be upon him) and Asiyah,the wife of the Pharoah who brought up Prophet Musa (Moses)(peace be upon him). These four women are Praised to such an extent that Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said:

"The four Greatest women of Paradise are Khadija-bint-Khuwaylid, Fatima Zahra, Marium and Asiyah"

To be Continued...!!