It is important to place a psychic shield around yourself or the person you wish to protect. The importance of what you believe can not be underestimated. If you feel that you are vulnerable to bad vibes or psychic attack (black magick) you can build your defenses through visualization of a shield around yourself. You can begin as follows:

Cast a circle around yourself.

Cleanse the area by sprinkling it with water and walking around it with burning insence.

Sprinkle salt on the floor in a circle and sit inside it with a lit, dark blue candle.

Focus on the flame and slowly, with concentration, visualize a shield forming around you, such as a stone wall.

When you feel secure with the shield you have cast around you, give thanks to the Lord and Lady, then you may leave your salt circle.

Allow the candle to burn completely out.

Remember: All is an illusion
and that we create our own reality.

You can also cast a protective spell around larger areas, such as your home or a group of people, using the same method as above.

You can cleanse and protect your home from unwanted energies and charge it with a new or renewed intent.

On a table, set out a white candle, incense, a container of water and one of salt, an athame (dagger), a wand and a broom.

Meditate, then cleanse and charge the elements and mix the salt and water. This spell can be done with four people or alone. Repeat:

I/We are gathered here to protect and cleanse this house. If any negative energies dwell within this place, let them be banished. I charge that any and all spirits of dissension, pettiness, uncooperativeness, pessimism -- any thoughts or energies that currently interfere with a positive environment -- be gone. I charge that any ill will from without be banished and also I also prevent any negative forces from penetrating this home.

Move throughout the entire home and repeat the spell.

To cleanse: start at the center east wall and move deocil (clockwise) throughout the home. Sweep the area, sprinkle the salt water, cleanse with the incense and draw banishing pentagrams with the athame at every window and door and anywhere else you deem necessary. Repeat:

I/We now charge and fill this place with all the energies that we wish to prevail within and project without. Let an aura of peace, harmony and cooperation settle over this place and dwell within all who enter here. And let that aura be projected outward to all our contacts throughout the community.

For charging, draw a solar cross and repeat, "With will, intent, and purpose, I do charge this place." Sprinke salt water, cleanse with incense, seal the intent by drawing a solar cross with a white candle at each window, door and anywhere you deem necessary, repeating:

In perfect love, and perfect trust, in the name of the Lady and her Consort, I do seal and protect this place.

I now do thank the mighty powers of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, for their presence within our lives and within this rite. I do most gratefully acknowledge the power of the unseen One, the force of Life whom we call Goddess and God, separate yet never separated, for they are One. The One unites us all in bonds of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Though this physical symbol of light (white candle) now will be extinguished, the true light is ever present. Let the sacred sphere of light that we have created within this place, remain everpresent, serenely felt by all within. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again, Blessed Be!