Webpage Design

This is a great place to start off surfin' the web. Click on the banner and away you go.Browse these websites and find great ideas all over Geocities

This page is designed for your convenience. I have created several pages displaying different backgrounds and showing you different images that might be helpful to you in your webpage construction.

This page is under construction and seeing all that is out there probably will be for a very long time. However, every link you see here works now.


Backgrounds add personality and variety to your pages. You can download any background off the web by clicking the right mouse button and saving the background. Or you can create your own Click on the buttons to see the different backgrounds I have discovered
Press the Back button to return here:

PrismMarsPurple Weave Angels
Purple WaveYellow RosesWizardsBlue Border
Blue WaterGoldbondStarry SkyMusic Notes and Staff

The following are links to pages on my site with personalized backgrounds I created. You can use a picture, or any graphic to make a background as personal as you would like.

My swim team page using a picture of my swimmers in the water.
A graphic created with fonts and color. Used for my music page.
This page has a picture of me which I faded using Photo Shop Pro


Animated Graphics LinesButtonsWelcomes

Links to Other Webdesign Pages

There are many pages on the web that are designed to help you create a webpage. I have included some links to some of the better webpage design pages on the net that I have encountered.

Click on the button to go to the link

A great place to find icons.
Java scripts and general help.
Webpage design and much, much more.
Java scripts: Explained and available
A Great page for icons.
General webpage design.

If you have any comments or even contribution for this page. Please email.


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If you haven't done so already. I recommend Geocities to you. They have wonderful help and a lot of cool stuff to add to your page. Like guest books,counters, HTML help, and much, much more go check it out.
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