Music playing is The Yellow Dress I wrote for Alissa's wedding

I have been a music teacher for 24 years in public schools. I direct choirs at Delta High School. I have written several songs for choir that are published by Shawnee Press and Harold Flammer Music. I also create computer generated manuscripts. Using programs called Finale and Music Writer. EMAIL ME

Check out these Music Links:

Here are some sites where you can find all sorts of important information to make your life as a music educator easier!!! There are thousands of sites devoted to music. But the link to MENC and Choralnet have done an outstanding job of collecting some of the better sites for music educators. Please explore these links and the link to my show choir's homepage at Delta High School.
<Music Educator's National Conference Choralnet Delta High School Starmakers

If you didnt find it on those links. Search for it here


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