Georgette Heyer
The Queen of Regency Romance

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This is a page dedicated to one of my favourite authors, namely Georgette Heyer. Not surprisingly, most people might never have heard of her. Neither would I have, that is if I hadn't gone for a dangerous expedition of my old ( lovable though undeniably batty *grin* ) aunt's attic. Who would have thought that the old lady had tons of novels stashed in her trunks. She was a great fan of Heyer's writings and I managed to unearth quite a few of Georgette Heyer's novels from one of her antique trunks.

I couldn't say that I was instantly captivated by her novels. A quick glance through made it seem like it would be a chore reading her books. But I was mistaken. Luckily, I was trapped in my aunt's god-forsaken home for quite some time and had nothing else on hand to read except Heyer or the daily news. At closer look, I was enchanted by her novels, by her quick-thinking, unconventional heroines, the far-from-staid heroes and their unusual exploits.

Busy writing Georgette Heyer wrote a wide range of novels between 1921 and 1972. Starting with The Black Moth which she wrote as a tale to amuse her invalid brother, she went on to write mysteries, thrillers... but mostly she is known for her well-written, incredibly witty period romances. Though her romances are set in various settings and periods, she plainly favours the Regency England period ( 1811-1820 ).

Her romances bear the stamp of her writing in every word, every line and every turn of phrase. For stories that are termed as romances, her tales do not at all resemble the generic bodice-ripping romance. Forget about the tall, dark, silent hero running to the aid of the swooning, virginal heroine... it's more likely that a Heyer heroine would calmly rationalize her situation and as deftly extricate herself from it leaving the hero nothing else to do but yell at her ( such as the redoubtable Mary Challoner in Devil's Cub ).

Many other personalities people her pages, unusual and endearing characters giving life to her stories from a sensible, levelheaded heroine who cannot find it in herself to swoon( witness the wonderful Miss Drusilla Morville in The Quiet Gentleman ) to a doubting Duke who can hardly be described as dashing nor handsome ( the ever endearing Adolphus Gillespie Ware in The Foundling ).

You can also check out what I think of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

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Knight In Shining Armour

April Lady
Bath Tangle
Charity Girl
The Corinthian
Cousin Kate
Devil's Cub
False Colours
Faro's Daughter
Friday's Child
Powder and Patch
Regency Buck
Simon the Coldheart
Sprig Muslin
The Black Moth
The Black Sheep
The Convenient Marriage
The Foundling
The Grand Sophy
The Masqueraders
The Quiet Gentleman
The Reluctant Widow
The Spanish Bride
The Talisman Ring
The Toll-gate
The Unknown Ajax
These Old Shades

Pride and Prejudice

Scarlet Pimpernel

The characters in her books.
For a full list of her books, go here.

To find out more about Heyer, take a look at some interesting Links.

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