Some concepts of Gestalt Psychology
When the gestalt psychologists established
the concept of Geographical Environment - the environment
as science describes it - and Behavioral Environment -
the environment as the individual perceives it -, when they said
that the neurological configurations (Gestalten) are equal to
the psychological ones, or yet, "what is inside is outside"
- Isomorphic Principle - and when, through the Principle
of Contemporaneity, Kurt Lewin said that the present changes
the past, that what happens changes what has happened, they got
global and unitarian view of the human psychological processes
without causalist, determinist, reducionist a priori; they reached
the human essence, without valorative attributions.
Law of Figure and Ground - This law has been exhaustively
experienced and confirmed by the gestalt psychologists and physiologists.
It is valid to any perception, even the conceptual ones, as thought
is the prolongation of perception, not being subordinated to
any other relations than this continuity, it shall be dealt with
only in this way; in an other way, we would fall in dualisms,
we would start admiting sensation and perception, the last as
elaboration of the first, creating inferior functions resultant
of the sensorial data; perception would be in this ratiocination,
an elaboration of sensation, and thought a superior function
(the thesis of the Graz's School), an abstraction or intelectualization
of the concrete datas of the perceived, experienced reality.
We will not make a profund study of this subject, as it would
demand epistemological analysis of methodological positions,
finally, it would lead to the conflict between elementarism and
antielementarism, functionalism and structuralism, empirism and
phenomenology, psychoanalysis and gestalt, dualism and unity.
Gestalt in German, means form, structure, configuration.
We prefer maintain the original word, as only in this way all
its meaning is expressed, what would not occur with the english
word - FORM.
Insight, the self-determination before what is perceived,
which comes from be situated in all its configurative dimensions,
it is, by definition, the geographic withdraw with consequent
behavioral approximation.
Wholeness (Totality) - the statement: the whole is not
the sum of the parts, makes it possible the perception of the
whole as unity, as well as propitiates, if we are positioned
in aprioristic referentials, dualistic explanations like part
/ whole, that is, the part as integrated element of the whole,
in spite of not constituent of it. This mental gymnastics is
typical of the holists. The part is a whole, in this sense, parts
do not exist. We can speak of part only as mnemonical experience,
when we configure our perception in referentials of the past.
The perception of the present, configurated in the present, makes
possible the apprehention of totalities. When I perceive the
eye, it is a totality, nevertheless, I know it is in a context,
it is part of one's face, that is why we say it is part of a
face. If I would not have a previous knowledge of face, I would
never think of part.