The Following are the notes that Brian is keeping of rules modifications. If you have any questions or
problems with any of the following rules, please contact both Brian and Ferret immediately. Once an
appropriate period of time has gone by, these notes will be incorporated into the main body of notes. This
should occur on a roughly bimonthly basis. Any rules modifications should be sent to Brian
Updated June 2nd, 1998
Whenever a character suffers from a critical which is bad enough to kill them, they may, depending on the
severity of the critical, merely suffer from maiming. This rule also applies to major villains. Further
information on this will be provided as things are worked out in the game.
When defending against thrown weapons: a creature may use their Defensive Weapon Picks, their DB,
and 1/2 of any OB which is shifted into DB.
When defending against missile weapons: a creature may use their Defensive Weapon Picks, their DB,
and 1/2 of any OB which is shifted into DB.
In the selection of Weapons Picks for missile weapons only logical pick may be made.
When an attack overmaxes (goes above 150) the severity of the critical is increased by 1 level for every
15 points over 150 the attack goes.
If you are facing an opponent in combat and they are using a Weapon Pick that you have never seen it
can: (a) not be blocked with your own abilities and (b) could very well be more effective than it normally
Thantok Pargo (Mountain Heart) is only effective against kinetic damage. It is not effective against fire,
acid, ect.
Character Sheet Modifications
Mapping was removed. It was located in Technical/Trade General.
Cartogrpahy was moved from Technical/Trade Vocational to Technical/Trade Professional.
Star Gazing was removed. It was located in Outdoor Enviromental.
Law was added to Technical/Trade Professional.
Updated June 21rst, 1998
The use of Stirrups in riding shifts all difficulties down 2 levels.
The use of Stirrups in mounted Combat give you a +30 to you roll.
Tactics Level 5 gives all the people with Tactics 5 the ability to table-talk during combat.
Tactics Level 10 allows for detail conversations during combat.
Armored fighter II - -15 to the maneuver in armor penalty, -5 to minimum maneuver penalty.
If OB is shifted into DB, and you make multiple attacks in 1 round, then the shift applies to both attacks.
The is NO general category for Armor Light, Armor Medium, and Armor Heavy.
The first Evlish type of language a character learns, must be bought at the 1/* cost, not 0.5. This is because Elvish is such a different type of language than High Thorin (this can also come up in learning other languages that are very different from the Amerian group of languages, which includes High Thorin). This includes both written and spoken Elvish. If you try to learn the Elvish language as your first written language, it costs 2/*.
Updated September 30th, 1998
On a roll of 01, you may break your weapon
Qu X2 = Base DB
Every 15 points overmaxing increases the amount of hp taken, at a rate of 3 hp/ 15 points overmax. It also increases the severity of the critical by one level per 15.
If Maneuver in Armor gets to a very high level, you can eliminate the normal movement penalties.
A professional bonus is based on level and increases by +10 every level.
Professional Bonus Points are distributed at a cost of:
* Specialized Weapon skills cost full price.
* General weapon skills cost double.
* Specialized cost half price
* General skill cost full price
* Alertness costs full price
Some Bonuses that came from special sources, but that are not professional bonuses should be noted as not counting towards the professional bonus total.
Peter is the best PC. [Ed note: You can lynch Brian for including this one].
Ferret needs to put "Instruction" on the character sheet under Technical Trade * Professional.
The following skills have special abilities associated with them when someone reaches a certain level:
Tactics: * Level 5: Table Talk Allow among all who have Level 5 Tactics
* Level 10: Extensive Table discussions amongst those with Level 10 Tactics (lets hope Ferret doesn't give this to our enemies…)
Diagnostics: * Level 5: Something Special (as of yet undefined)
Instruction: * Level 5: Teach skills up to 1 level below current level
* Level 10: Teach skills to up to current level
* Level 15: Gain "professional" bonuses form learning at the feet of big smart head.