This will be updated when I make more rules changes. Sorry to put you guys through this, but I am still experimenting with the rules system to try and make it as fun as possible. Please feel free to e-mail suggestions!


    Ranks matter so much in non-combat skills that one must ask: does it matter with combat skills? The answer is very much so. There exists a wide selection of abilities that can be acquired as you gain ranks in a weapon skill. It is different for ranks in general than specific, but here goes a list of 'Picks' that are available.


    For every rank over four you get a Weapon Point. You may use weapon points to purchase various abilities that are listed below. These are over and above those listed for the general category. It is important to note that different character concepts gain WPs at different rates. If you use your skills often then it is one for each rank over four, regularly it is every other rank, and sporadic is every three ranks.

    If you are fighting Florentine, your least skilled weapon slows you down (that number of WPs must then be spent between the two weapons and recorded).

Active Fighter I
You can move up to 20% of your movement in combat and not suffer any negative affects.
Active Fighter II
As per Active Fighter I, except 50%.
Active Fighter III
You can run in combat and suffer no delirious affects. Full sprinting, however, still has a –30 penalty.
Combat Awareness I
In a melee situation where your weapon is armed, you cannot be attacked from the flank (unless your opponent has more ranks than you).
Combat Awareness II
In addition to Combat Awareness I, you are not at a disadvantage if being attacked from the rear.
Combat Awareness III
You are always expecting an attack and you cannot be surprised by normal foes (unless they are supernatural or possess more ranks than you…this can include more ranks of a Stealth related skill). No matter what Combat Awareness II, applies to all but invisible foes.
Deflected Blow I
All Deflected Blows counteract their Mortal Blow equivalents. This level of Deflected Blow allows you to shift any critical up or down by one to reduce its effect.
Deflected Blow II
As per Deflected Blow I, except you can shift by three.
Deflected Blow III
As per Deflected Blow I, except you can shift by five. Additionally, you can do a Deflected Blow I on someone else if they are within five feet of you (once per round only).
Downgrade Critical I
This allows you to reduce a critical one grade as long as you have your weapon readied. [Melee only]
Downgrade Critical II
As per Downgrade Critical I, but reduce by two grades.
Hastened Attacks I
This allows up to two strikes in a round. Add your initiative die roll and your Lightning Attack bonus together. If it is over twenty you attack on your initiative roll AND your initiative roll minus 20. NOTE: Any OB you wish to shift to DB is subtracted from ALL of your attacks. Also, with bowyers, hastened attacks would allow you to reload and attack in the same round.
Hastened Attacks II
As per Hastened Attacks I, except if you roll over forty you can attack three times, over sixty you can attack four times, etc.
Heightened Attack I
You get a +10 to your OB.
Heightened Attack II
As per Heightened Attack I, except +25.
Heightened Attack III
As per Heightened Attack I, except +10.
Heightened Defense I
If your weapon is armed and ready you get a free automatic +10 in your DB.
Heightened Defense II
As per Heightened Defense I, except you get a +25.
Heightened Defense III
As per Heightened Defense I, except +10.
Juggernaught I
If you have more than six weapon ranks than your opponents and they are at least six levels below you; then you get twice the number of attacks you would otherwise. This can be especially gross with Hastened Attacks.
Juggernaught II
As per Juggernaught I, except you can attack three times as much. Additionally, you cannot be attacked from the rear by any creatures that you could use the skill against. You can also give one person within 5' half your DB bonus that stems from shifted OB.
Juggernaught III
As per Juggernaught II, except that affected creatures cannot deal a fatal critical to you. Additionally, you automatically downgrade criticals by one.
Lightning Attack I
Increase your initiative by +10 (Up to three of these can be bought).
Lightning Attack II
Increase your initiative by +15 (Up to three of these can be bought).
Marksman I
Decrease range by one category (but not to Point Blank).
Marksman II
Decrease range by two categories (short range can go to Point Blank).
Missile Deflection
This only is available for sufficiently large melee weapons. You may use one quarter of your shifted OB to defense against missile weapons. This can be cumulative with Adrenal Defense.
Mortal Blow I
All Mortal Blows only apply if you have more than four ranks in your weapon than your opponent. You may shift any critical you do one up or one down to achieve maximum effect.
Mortal Blow II
As per Mortal Blow I, except you can shift by three.
Mortal Blow III
As per Mortal Blow I, except you can shift by five. Additionally, you may do Mortal Blow I on an opponent that has rank equal to you or less.
Multi-Tasking I
You can successfully talk and fight at the same time without incurring any negative penalties. Even clever repartee is allowed.
Multi-Tasking II
You can perform even some simple actions and fight at the same time, incurring no negative penalties (e.g. picking up a flagon, taking a quick gulp of a drink, picking up a fallen weapon, using your offhand to search for something in a pouch, etc.) If your opponent has more ranks in his weapon than you do in yours, this is not applicable.
Multi-Tasking III
You can perform even complicated tasks and still fight on pure reflex. If your opponent has more ranks in his weapon than you do in yours, this is not applicable (however, you can now do Multi-Tasking II tricks even around those who are better than you).
Penetrating Attack I
You subtract -10 from your opponent's DB as long as they do not have more ranks in the weapon being used than you have.
Penetrating Attack II
As per Penetrating Attack I, except -20.
Penetrating Attack III
As per Penetrating Attack I, except -30 and additionally you may choose one generic category that an opponent only gets half effectiveness when putting his OB into DB (if they have more ranks in their weapon than you do in yours, they can ignore this effect).
Reflexive Defense I
When stunned your opponent receives no positive modifier to hit you.
Reflexive Defense II
When stunned and unable to parry, you can still parry with half your OB.
Reflexive Defense III
When downed your opponent receives no positive modifiers to hit you. When stunned you can still attack with half your OB. When stunned and unable to parry, you may parry fully.
Reflexive Defense IV
Ignore any stunning affects entirely. Your body naturally defends you even when near comatose (this is not always an advantage).
Stamina I
You have a +10 reserved to counteract Hit Point loss penalties in combat.
Stamina II
Same as Stamina I, except +20. +10 will also apply to all combat maneuvers (except running).
Superior Parry I
When you shift OB to DB, 20% of all points shifted apply to all attacks you receive this round. All Superior Parry's only apply to opponents with less ranks than you.
Superior Parry II
As per Superior Parry I, except 40%.
Superior Parry III
As per Superior Parry I, except 100%.
Upgrade Critical I
This allows you to increase a critical one grade when you attack.
Upgrade Critical II
As per Upgrade Critical I, but increase by two grades.

    General Category

    The general category does not have nearly as useful picks as the specifics do. But still they are worth mentioning. General picks are far more expensive, and tend to have broader impact. See above for how you get WPs.

Active Fighter
You get a +20 which is applied solely to counteract moving penalties. So you can move 20% of your movement in combat without suffering any ill effects.
Analyze Style
If an opponent is using one of your type of weapon, each round of watching an opponent fight, unless he consciously fights below his ability, you can find out what special picks he possesses (one per round). You can also identify where that person learned it and recognize that person in the future if you see them fight again.
Armored Fighting
You can negate up to -10 in armor penalties when using your weapons in armor.
Florentine Fighter
You do not have an off-hand penalty when using any weapon from this category. If you have bought Two Weapon Fighting, you do not have to specify which hand each weapon is in. You also do not receive a negative modifier for attack two separate targets. Lastly, your rank can be one above your Two Weapon Fighting skill.
Master Observer
Whenever a weapon is used against you from this category, you have an automatic +15 to your DB.
Shield Warrior
When using your weapon category with a shield, you get a +5 to your DB.
Simple Deflect
Any bleeding you take from a weapon in this category is reduced by one if you see the blow coming.
Weapon Affinity
You can automatically sense the quality of a particular weapon and its balance. You can also use your skill level to try and attune with any magic weapon and can sense when a weapon is magical.
You get a +5 to OB with every weapon in this category.


    If you are a Mage, you will be dealing with this all the time. Otherwise, I will just announce what level you are if it is different from standard.

This will be added soon...

Once per hour you can rest ten to thirty seconds to recover from this.
Twice per day a fifteen minute breather will reduce you one level. You have to wait two hours between breathers.
You need to take at least a three hour nap to be reduced to winded (only once per day).
Sleep for at least six hours. You wake up tired, and after three hours you may take a breather.
Sleep at least eight hours to become exhausted (you may not nap that day).

    To buy the first six ranks of a language it costs .5 per rank. After that it costs the normal one skill point. If you are in an interim session and you are with others that speak another language, please ask how many ranks you can buy. Languages do not have a 1/3 cost, instead it is either .5/* or 1/* to the limit you can justify learning the language.
    Note: Your first written language costs 1/*, because becoming literate is not an easy thing to do.

Individual SPs
    Individual SP is on a scale between 0 and 3, and most people tend to get one. Individual SPs are awarded primarily from creativity and the work of effort one puts into the game (i.e. even if you do not think of anything particularly clever but are coordinating the group for the whole evening and always on top of the situation, that is still worth a lot).
    The scale is slightly logarithmic making it comparatively easy to get 1 extra SP, much more difficult to get a 2, and it will be very rare that a player gets the 3.

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