Making your own bookstore
What you'll need:
A page to have your bookstore on
Another page to include the required statement
A place on the main bookstore page that says {your site name} in association with or an logo.
Some books you want featured on your page, and their ISBN numbers.
First, let's get some books.
Go to Think of a book you want to feature. As an example, I'll use Carse's Finite and Infinite Games. I search for Carse, and click the desired book. I am taken to a page that gives all the information (date, publisher, etc) on that particular book. About halfway down the page I see a blurb of information in italics. This blurb includes the ISBN number for Finite and Infinite Games (here 0345341848). Repeat this procedure as necessary, collecting as many ISBNs as you want.
Now that you have your ISBNs, you can start setting up your bookstore.
Make (or edit if you already have it set up) your bookstore. Somewhere on your page you must have, or be linked to a page, that contains the following: is pleased to have [sponsoring Web site name] in the family of Associates. We've agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on [sponsoring Web site name]. Associates list selected books in an editorial context that helps you choose the right books. We encourage you to visit[sponsoring Web site name] often to see what new books they've selected for you.
Thank you for shopping with an Associate.
Jeff Bezos
Founder & CEO
P.S. We guarantee you the same high level of customer service you would receive at If you have a question about an order you've placed, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Simply replace [sponsoring Web site name] with your website's name (example: Java's World). This statement verifies that supports your page and they will fill all orders.
Next, let's add your books.
My recommended format for a book blurb:
Title of the book Author Publisher, date published, ISBN A small review of the book, outlining what the book's strengths were, it weaknesses, a plot summary (not a retelling. Give the basic premise). Anything a person might like to know about the book, and anything that might make them want to buy it. A link to buy it. (how to below) |
How to add the link to a book for purchasing:
You'll need the ISBN of the book, and your associate's id (from your first email).
The link will look like this:
Note the "A" at the end of your Associate's ID. That is necessary, and must be capitalized. Just change isbn# and associateid to the ISBN and your Associate's ID. When the order goes in (assuming the viewer bought your book) will add a certain percent of the cost of the book to your account.
So how much can you make?
15% for each book that is 10%-30% off publisher's price on the day of the order.
5% for books listed at publisher's price.
5% for each book more than 30% off publisher's price.
No credit for out-of-stock or hard-to-find books.
When do you get the money?
Four times a year, your earnings are totaled. If you earnings are $100 or greater, you get a check. If not, they are held over until the next quarter, where they will be totaled again or your account is terminated.
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