Al entrar en la sala un agradable olor te envuelve mientras te fijas en un elfo vestido de blanco en el centro de la sala con un harpa y dirigiéndose a un grupo de personas...

- ...ahora escucharéis mi poema favorito, es El Lamento de Galadriel en Lórien:- Con una voz suave comienza a cantar...


Altariello nainie Lóriendesse

Ai ! laurie lantar lassi súrinen
yéni únótime ve rámar aldaron !
Yéni ve linte yuldar avánier
mí oromardi lisse-miruvóreva
Andúne pella Vardo tellumar
nu luini, yassen tintilar i eleni
ómaryo aire-tári-lírinen.

Sí man i yulma nin enquantuva ?

An sí Tintalle Varda Oiolosseo
ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortane,
ar ilye tier undu-láve lumbule;
ar sinda-nóriello caita mornie
i falmalinnar imbe met, ar hísie
un-túpa Calaciryo míri oiale.
Sí vanwa ná, Romello vanwa, Valimar !

Namárie ! Nai hiruvalye Valimar.
Nai elye hiruva. Namárie !

Ahora cantaré algunos míos, entiendo que pueden contener fallos pero hago lo que puedo, los conocedores del Quenya ya no abundan...


Núnatanion Ista
veleni caltala lómessë
calyaro firimaron huini
ar alcanta termaruva tenn´ilúvemetta !

Of the Númenoreans

The Knowledge of the Númenoreans
like stars shinning in the night
illuminates mens´ hearts
and their glory will endure till the End of the World !

Ambar Altariello

Imbe laurië lóti, imbe filici,
imbe hallar Eldar tauriessë lórieno,
ara Celeborn, aranya, síla i halla
wende Altariel i-haryare minë corma eldaron.

Vanima, aire ar tári, sisílare visil,
ar tuluva i auzë, ar lelyuvare ear pella,
andúnë pella, ar Valimarssë
tenn´ilúvemetta tennoio maruvare.

Ananta yondoryar picaruvar ar atani valuvar.

A ! Altariel, inye tye-melë ar sí etye lelya.
Namárië ! Lindelelda ´hlápuva tennoio, namárie !

The Doom of Altariel ( Galadriel )
Sorrounded by golden flowers, between little birds,
among high elfs in the woods of Lórien,
beside Celeborn, her lord, shines the High
maiden Altariel who has one elevn ring.

Beautiful, Holy and queenly, she shines like the Moon
and a day will come, and she will go past the Sea,
past the West, and in Valimar, untill the end of the World for ever she´ll abide.

But her sons will dissappear and Men will master...

Alas ! Altariel, I loved you and now you leave !
Farewell ! your singing will remain in the wind
for ever, farewell !

Arwen Undómiel

Arwen Undómiel, i elen imbe eleni,
calma lómesse, calma i-síla tiessenya,
calma undómessë, máldat fána, mori locsenya,
ve lóme i-´hlápur Imladrissë.

Elrondiel, vala imbe valar, i ista eldaron
ná etyenen ar to fírer melmeldanen, ananta
melmelda ná Telcontarnen, hil Isilduro.
Ananta inye linduva tin Valimarssë, ar calmalda
sisíluva tennoio lindelenya.

Namárië ! Inye lelya Valimarnna ar lembatye,
sí caluvatye antar atanon, namárië !

Arwen Undómiel

Arwen Undómiel, the most beautiful star,
light in the night, light that illuminates mi way,
light in the evening, her two white hands,
her black hair, like the night that floats over Imladris.

Daughter of Elrond, powerful among the powerful, the Lore of the elfs is with you,
and they sigh for your love, but your love is for Aragorn, heir of Isildur.
But I will still sing for you in Valimar
and your shinning will light my song for ever.

Farewell! I depart now towards Valimar and you´ll stay here,
Now you´ll illuminate the hearts of men. Farewell !

After the Battle of the Fields of pelennor
i atani astaldo i-machter,
i atani astaldo i-lantaer,
i fírer...
Man hate calma cuilentaron ?
ú-hiranyet alassessë.
Man lasta nainienta ?
alcaranta engwessen a termar.
Man ú-mele i atani, man ?
i ochtar ú-atalelyar coantar !
Man linduva i atani i-lember ?
A linde alassenen ananta
a linde i-lantaer
ar ñwalmenta yéva cuileñwin.

Elendir i-Ñandaro.

Gracias a todos por escucharme...

PD: Esta página se ve mejor con una fuente especial llamada Bard, si la has visto en Times New Roman te aconsejo que la consigas aquí.