Special Education Resources

Welcome! This page was created as a final project for my Education of Exceptional Children course (SPGN 251) at Eastern Michigan University. It is intended to serve as a detailed compilation of links to internet resources related to Special Education topics. The links are geared specifically for regular education teachers and parents of exceptional children, but may be used by anyone who is interested! I have main topic listings -- if you click on one of these links, you will move further down on the page where the specific links for that topic are located. Or you can simply browse the whole page!

If you know of a particularly good link which I do not currently have listed, please send me a quick email! Thanks! Enjoy!


Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired (POHI)
Mentally Impaired (MI)
Emotionally Impaired (EI)
Learning Disabled (LD)
Speech and Language Impaired (SLI)
Hearing Impaired (HI)
Visually Impaired (VI)
Gifted and Talented (TAG)
General Special Education Related Links

Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired (POHI)
No More Labels
Information concerning a video & interactive teaching guide. Also features a variety of fact sheets, including cerebral palsy and spina bifida.

National Library for The Blind and Handicapped (Library of Congress)
Information about the services provided by the Library of Congress. Includes listings of talking books available!

Library of Michigan Services for Blind and Physically Handicapped
Located in Lansing. Information on the services available, and what makes a person eligible for these services.

Washtenaw County Library
Information about the talking book program and other resources available to blind and physically handicapped persons in the local Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area.

Center for Excellence in Special Education Technology
Resource at the University of South Carolina offering training for teachers in the use of adaptive technologies, including switch devices.

Spina Bifida: Resources for Parents

Ability Camp
Information about a really neat camp for physically impaired children and their parents -- in Ontario.

Capper Foundation
The Capper Foundation provides services for children with physical disabilities. This page provides basic information about the Foundation.

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Mentally Impaired (MI)
American Association on Mental Retardation
Information about the AAMR, resources it offers, programs it sponsors. Also includes a page of disability resources on the net.

The Arc (National Organization on Mental Retardation)
About the Arc. Includes fact sheets about Mental Retardation.

National Down Syndrome Society
Questions and answers about Down's, resource list, programs and info on NDSS.

Fact Sheet on Mental Retardation
Basic info on Mental Impairment, provided by the University of Michigan.

Students with Intellectual Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Teachers
Just what it says! Tips for inclusion, curriculum, goal-setting, etc.

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Emotionally Impaired (EI)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Facts for Families
Manic Depression
Psychiatric Medication for kids
Questions to ask about medication

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
About the organization, resources, catalogues, related organizations, etc.

CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder)
Infomation on ADD, treatments, parenting, teaching, etc.

Autism Resources
An entire page devoted to autism -- all the stuff I don't have space for here!

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Learning Disabled (LD)
Fact sheet on Learning Disabilities from the AACAP

Dyslexia Archive
A simple page which includes facts, groups, events, even a list of famous people who were dyslexic, including Einstein and Tom Cruise!

Education Outreach Department: Learning Diabilities
FAQ (frequently asked questions) about LD, a couple of video workshops

Dyslexia -- the Gift
How Dyslexia can be a gift, where to to go for help, register for a free subscription to The Dyslexic Reader, training and workshops

American Hyperlexia Association
What is hyperlexia? How to identify it, resources for parents

Landmark College
A college specifically for students with dyslexia, ADD, or other learning disabilities

Learning Disability Association of America
info, services, forums, plus articles

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Speech and Language Impaired (SLI)
Fact Sheets from KIDSOURCE
General Information About Speech and Language Disorders
Q & A About Articulation Problems
Spoken Language Problems

The Caring Connections that Help Children Communicate
Concepts, hints and helps, in a brief "how to" on working on language development with your child

Speech and Language Milestones
Chart for ages 0-6, approximately where your child's language and speech development should be

Adolescent Language Disorders
What they are, what you can do.

Wide Smiles
Facts, FAQs, links, discussion lists all on children with a cleft palate

Dysphagia Resources
Dysphagia = difficulty in swallowing; info, treatment, organizations

Stuttering Homepage
All kinds of stuff about stuttering!

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Hearing Impaired (HI)
Students with Hearing Loss: A Resource Guide to Support Classroom teachers
Great guide -- tip sheets on communication, equipment, classroom, etc.

National Information Center on Deafness
Up to date info on deafness and hearing loss

About ASL (American Sign Language)
Just what it says!

ASL Dictionary
A basic dictionary explaining some ASL signs

Auditory Verbal International (AVI)
listening and speaking (the auditory-verbal approach) for the deaf child

Deaf Cyber Kids
A gathering place for deaf school children to get email-pals and share their creativity

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Visually Impaired (VI)
National Federation of the Blind
Info about the NFB. More importantly -- 2 good links of interest for parents, teachers, and kids -- Q & A about blindness, and an online magazine for blind children and their families.

The Seeing Eye
About the seeing eye dog program, how to apply

Blind Childrens Center
Non-profit organization for blind and partially sighted children -- info on programs, newsletter, upcoming events, and more links

Children's Vision Concerns
A commercial page with info about several books you can order if you know, work with, or have a visually impaired child

The Internet Braille Wizard
Really neat page, including the Braille alphabet, and a biograpy of Louis Braille. The coolest part is a an online Braille translator!

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Gifted and Talented
Gifted Students: A Resource Guide to Support Classroom Teachers
Great guide -- lots of tip sheets

Ten Tips for Parents of Gifted Students
Exactly what it says

Providing Curriculum Alternatives to Motivate Gifted Students
ideas for motivation, including independent study, contracts, etc.

TAG Family Network
Run for and by parents -- dedicated to appropriate education for TAG youth

Institute for Academic Advancement of Youth
@Johns Hopkins University -- info on CTY (Center for Talented Youth) programs, talent searches, etc.

Center for Talent Development
Educational Services for TAG students

American Association for Gifted Children
Newsletter with info about AAGC, current articles, resources, etc.

Gifted and Talented
A very pretty page with some nice links to articles about schools for and publications concerned with TAG, as well as a page of fun stuff for kids!

Prufrock Press
Prufrock is the leading publisher that supports Gifted Education. This page has a catalog request as well as free trials for gifted publications

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General Special Education Related Links
These are some other pages of resources -- some have links that I have on this page, others have links that I decided not to include. If you haven't found what you are looking for on this page, try some of these:

Special Education Resources for Educators

Parents Helping Parents

Internet Resources for Special Children

Teachers Helping Teachers

Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI)

Special Education Links

Special Needs Education Network

Our Kids

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

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last updated on December 4, 1996
created and maintained by
Jessica Zimmerman


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