King Family Home Page June 1998

Welcome Family and Friends to the King Family Home Page

An Audio Welcome From John (wav 56K).

Sarah Caroline celebrated her first birthday Oct. 7. She is becoming highly mobile and is running everywhere. Sarah loves the great outdoors, climbing and playing with Katie.

Hear Sarah giggle (wav 64K).

Kathleen Alma (Katie), who turned 4 on April 1, is enjoying preschool and was a great singer in her school programs. Her favorite question is "Why?" She also has learned how to use daddy's computer and can run her educational programs all by herself. Katie loves her sister, Sarah, and they play very well together.

Hear a message from Katie
(wav 40k).
Katie and Granny Dowell serve up the birthday cake to celebrate Katie's birthday party in Kingston. It was her third birthday.
Katie and PawPaw Dowell work on an art project with Katie's birthday markers.
Sarah and Uncle Gary share a laugh during her first visit to Tennessee in March.
Danice is enjoying playing room mother for Katie's preschool class and keeping up with Sarah. She works out at the YMCA whenever time permits.
John Mark is working hard on research and managed to stay behind the camera most of the time this year.

Check out John's academic web page.

We sure do miss Tennessee.

Come See Us Soon!

Check out the LSU homepage here. Geaux Tigers!

Check out the Manship School homepage here.

We hope you enjoyed this update on the King family.

Please e-mail us your e-mail address ASAP.

e-mail us at
e-mail John's brother Thom and Grandpa Thomas T. King at

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