Ice Cubes

Air glides in through the windows
Hairs on my arms push against the sleeves
As I sit by the black and white keys
The sun gradually fades
Leaving me to notice how dark it is.
I haven't done anything

I reach to turn on the light
But my hand won't reach--
I know my way around the keyboard,
I don't need light, so I take my hand back
Maybe it will help being dim

My numb tongue tastes stiff
I keep chewing ice cubes,
Sometimes it helps to ease the tension,
Sometimes it helps to pass the time.
Crushing and destructive sounds echo in my head
Like glaciers shaping the earth.
But no sounds from my fingers

I finally decide on a chord to strike
It helps to get started
No matter how slow.
The chord helps nothing
It just clears the ideas resting in my mind

Maybe tomorrow I'll meet some ideas
They could whisk in through the window
And land on my fingers
Skipping my mind to keep from corrupting.
As my tongue thaws, I stand and turn on the light.

From the mind of Jon LaBree.
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