My talk with the Lord - - revised June 3, 2008

My Talk With the Lord
My Talk With the Lord

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Hello, my name is Joe and I welcome you to my home in the name of Jesus, the only Christ. I would like to share with you some of the insights I have been given during my search for the Father. He has opened many doors of light into my life and I pray these simple words will bring the same loving light into your home as well. If there is a question which you are struggling with, I would be honored to work with you until we find the answer which the Father will surely provide. We now see through the window dimly, but very soon we will see plainly face to face. It is a promise.

These small messages are for you, otherwise, you would not be here. Please listen closely to your heart and pass His word on to others.

* * * * * * * * * Left click on any of the following Indexes * * * * * * * * *

There are no copyrights on any of the following articles, and they may be used freely in any way which glorifies Jesus Christ. After all, He is the author who gave them to me freely, and I am just His scribe.

* Islam and Christianity *
The Islamic Pillars of Deception (11/24/2004)

* Poems For The Lord *

The Greatest Christmas Gift (12/13/1997)
America, Where Is Your Soul? (02/20/1998)
Have You Ever Heard God's Voice? (11/05/1998)
Heart and Soul (12/03/1998)
He Loved Me! (01/28/1999)
I Will Never Forget That Easter! (03/02/1999) **
No Matter Where I go! (03/10/1999)
The Passover! (03/22/1999)
The Last Room! (03/23/1999)
Death? (09/02/1999)
The Sign Above My Head (09/02/1999)
Wake Up Christian! (09/07/1999)
Words (09/18/1999)
His Tears (09/22/1999)
Do You Hear Him Calling? (09/28/1999)
Do You feel The Uneasiness in The Air? (11/09/1999)
He Is Waiting (11/22/1999)
Who Is This Man Called Jesus? (01/07/2000)
The Coming! (05/11/2000)
Oh To Be A Tiny Tree! (05/15/2000)
Stained Glass Christian (09/02/2000)
Face To Face (09/04/2000)
Without You Father!(09/22/2000)
My Search!(10/01/2000)
The End of Time!(10/04/2000)
Father Forgive Us (01/23/2002)
Lord, Here I Am - My life's Story (11/13/1997)
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder (11/31/2002)
Hallelujah, Christ Is Born! (12/17/2002)

* Letters For The Heart *
My Last Thoughts (01/18/1999)
The Cathedral (02/03/1999)
Depression (02/08/1999)
The Bible (02/12/1999)
The Pure In Heart (04/12/1999)
Are You Ready For The Surprise? (11/05/1999)
Faith That Can Move Mountains (07/29/2000)
Greatest Sorrow and Greatest Love (01/05/2002)

* Letters To Learn By *
Prove God Exist, Without Using The Bible (03/10/1998)
A Letter To An Atheist (11/12/1998)
Why Would A Loving God Allow Evil Into The World? (12/12/1998)
Trinity or God? (05/21/1999)
Mada & Namow, Man's Creation! (06/15/1999)
Father (07/17/1999)
A Small Light (07/29/1999)
A Battle of Principalities (08/17/1999)
War In Heaven! (09/05/1999)
Suicide, What Happens Afterwards? (09/05/1999)
The Tree of Life (12/15/1999)
Who Created God? (01/05/2000)
Who is the leader of your Church? (01/26/2000)
Depression - The Other Side of the Window (02/09/2000)
Is Baptism Required? (02/24/2000)
Is It Sleep or Death When We die? 03/08/2000)
What Is The Difference Between The Soul and Spirit? (03/14/2000)
Is My Autistic Child Saved? - A Letter to Terry (04/06/2000)
Here is a Mystery, the Mark of the beast - 666 (05/08/2000)
Antichrist or Abomination - A letter to Terry (05/09/2000)
Get Prayer Back In Our Schools! - A letter to Terry (06/06/2000)
Is Hell Real, and Is Jesus The Only Way? - A Letter to Terry (08/08/2000)
Atheism Verses Creationism (11/14/2002)

* Visions *
Door of Darkness, Door of Light - A Vision of The Gate To Heaven (01/07/1997)
His Crown - A vision of Christ's Crown (03/21/1997)
Let Others See Thee In Me - A Vision That God's Promisses Will Be Kept (02/20/1998)
A Strange Dream (10/05/1999)

* Why Lord ? *
Lord, Help Me To Understand! - When I Decided To Follow Jesus (01/03/1996)
The Tiny Sparrow - Why God Takes The Small Ones Before Their Time (01/16/1997) **
The Fish In The Sea - Why Jesus Came To Earth As A Man (02/27/1997)

To E-Mail comments, please press here!

If God has touched your heart with His message to you, I would ask that you PLEASE pass it on to others while there is still time. God bless you, and keep looking up, our King is at the door.

If you are in need of prayer, Please Email me directly at I would be honored to pray with you. We also need to remember how Jesus taught us to pray! My Prayers

(To be continued until my Lord calls me home)

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