My talk with the Lord/ Jan 19, 1998

Lord, Help Me to Understand

I had to come to one of the darkest hours in my life, and except the fact that all I had done and planned as a man was worthless. It is in these darkest hours that we learn to understand that all things work for good, for those who love the Lord. We don't see the good when the pain and agony is pilled all around us. We make such mistakes in our lives that we think there is no possible way to recover, just to see Him reach down and touch our souls in the mist of hell, and ask "do you love me now as I have loved you from the beginning? You are my child, and no matter what hell Satan piles against you, I am your Father, and I will never forsake you no matter what you may do - I ask only that you truly love me too". Thank you Lord for loving me first!

Lord, Help Me To Understand!

Lord, where does this life lead, help me to understand,
we cry and scream when we enter, and do the same at the end of life's span

We see the beauty, of each new day and sing,
but we're daunted, by the sadness that our failures bring

What is this strange creature called man, that you've made,
he studies his lifelong, just to go to a dark and empty grave

But maybe, that is what we do not understand,
that man was not made to live, in this earthly land

We are being formed, for a life we cannot see or understand,
one standing by you Lord, in your heavenly promised land

A land where crying, and failures are unknown,
where death and sadness, are replaced with a beautiful new song

Oh Lord, help my understanding to see
thy plan for me, and the Promised Land to be

Let me not turn away, cry or fret,
but stand fast in thee Lord, until the task here on earth is met

Let all men understand, thy great and glorious plan,
that all the time we were here, we were really in your hands.

joe sizemore
January 6, 1996

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