National Charity League

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 News From National     Standards

National President
News from National

Greetings to each and every member of the now 94 chapters of National Charity League, Inc.! I eagerly anticipate serving as your National President again. From you, I have gathered many ideas, garnered much wisdom, and grown new wings this past year. I thank you for the opportunity to once again lead this dynamic national organization.

We have ushered in the new millennium by adding another six chapters with more on the horizon. Our message continues to spread! I predict we will have 100 chapters by our next annual National Convention!

Speaking of Convention: in the spirit of the new millennium, NCL changed the traditional California venue and held its first National Convention outside of the state. The Houston, Texas area chapters led the way and offered us an enriching, exciting and educational experience last April. I certainly hope you are planning to be part of "NCL…Making Magic" in April of 2001 in Los Angeles.

In true millennium style, I am thrilled to be sending the "News" this year via our new web page,! Last year in this article I stated that the National Board would be studying ways to utilize new technology in future communication - and here we are! Each month different National officers will contribute an article to this web site. This is a continuation of last year’s efforts to reach out to all members between our annual National Convention and the Regional Meetings.

The past year has been a productive one and this next year promises to be as well. This is possible because of 21 dedicated members of the National Board of Directors who meet merely six times a year. With unparalleled efficiency and enthusiasm, these members give an immeasurable amount of time and energy.

This year the National Board will be evaluating our National Charity League Inc. Bylaws, assessing a long range plan for growth, endeavoring to utilize our Regional concept more effectively, and facilitating our many chapters to meet new challenges.

I am so proud to be a part of this team which wishes each of you and your daughters a worthwhile and rewarding year. We National officers are energized by your enthusiasm! Your community is renewed by your services! National Charity League, Inc. is enriched by your contributions! Thank you, thank you for being a part of NCL!




Dear Patronesses,

What a great job we did last year bringing love, care and service to our South Bay Community. Our hard work enabled us to give $90,000 to our philanthropies and to scholarships. Our hard work enabled us to give 1000’s of hours volunteering where they needed our hands and hearts. Our hard work allowed us to build bonds and memories with our daughters. Our hard work through this great organization, National Charity League allowed us to grow and it enriched our lives. Together we can accomplish much.

 It is fitting then that we review the commitment that we made to this organization, the commitment that makes National Charity League strong and vibrant. Nothing happens without participation. "As a member of NCL attendance of all monthly patroness meetings is required and full participation in all activities is expected" Of course there are emergencies and illnesses that arise. A call and a note to the reservations chairs in the case of general meetings and to the GLA in the case of class meetings is necessary. General meetings are a condition of membership. It is important to block out ample time for them, to arrive on time and to stay until the end. It is not an acceptable practice to perpetually arrive late and leave early. Meetings are always the 1st Wednesday of the month, usually from 9am to 11am. (9am social, 9:30 meeting.) November & June are luncheon meetings. There are two evening meetings.

Nothing happens without our efforts. "Each active Patroness is required to have a responsibility within the organization." We can only achieve great things if every member shoulders her share. Nothing happens without our hard work. "Active and Provisional Patronesses shall be expected to work at the Thrift Shop in accordance with priority list set forth..." Our Thrift Shop revenue is the source of all monies we donate to scholarships and more than 30 South Bay Charities. It makes a difference in the lives of many. The schedules are published well in advance and allow for great flexibility.

Nothing happens without volunteering in the community. "All Active and Provisional Patronesses are required to participate in a minimum of 4 philanthropy sessions, which shall include a minimum of 2 Grade Level philanthropy sessions with each Ticktocker daughter." There are often times when in order to fulfill our NCL commitment you may be asked to work more than the minimum of 4. Please do so, realizing that the service you provide the community is a gift to those in need. Remember senior philanthropy requirements must be met by Dec. 15, and all others by May 31.

TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! TOGETHER WE WORK BEST. It takes all of our hands and minds. Please honor your commitments and we will have another great year!!

Thank you. The 2000-2001 Standards Committee

Kathy Costa,VP Membership/Standards

Note: Bold italics in quotes taken from our Bylaws. Full text can be read in the NCL Yearbook and Directory.