Some of my writing

Yes, I'm a writer, so of course I want people to see my writing. Here are a few samples. Most of my work is out looking for publishers at the moment. My feature stories have appeared in magazines ranging from Field and Stream to Americana and Arizona Highways. Lately I've been concentrating on fiction in between magazine assignments. I hope you'll enjoy reading these efforts, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about them, even if you hate them.


The following are essays I write for a magazine called Computer Bits, published in Arizona and Oregon. The monthly column is called "Everyman vs. the Machine," and the idea is to chronicle my struggles as a non-technical person trying to live in the cyber-world as a do-it-yourselfer. These links will take you to Computer Bits's web site, so if you want to come back here after reading each essay, you'll have to hit the back button on your browser...



It may be a cliché that life is a journey, but I know that I have learned more about life while on my own journeys that at any other time. My most important journeys have included my hike on the Appalachian Trail in 1982; a hitchhiking adventure around Europe in 1971; and my driving tour of the route of the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1996 (researching The Memoirs of Hugh Hall).

I have always kept journals on these trips, and I have posted some of these journals here. Please keep in mind that these are unedited, quite raw notes, but they give a flavor of the journey I was engaged in.

Some of my greatest adventures have been fishing trips, especially the fly-fishing expeditions I like to call "Guerilla Fishing." I usually keep journals on these trips, too. Join me on such a trip to Montana.

It's always good to get back home.

Hey, send me a postcard! 1