Welcome to Carlos Ramalhete's Home Page!

Esta página em português

That's me!

Well, that's me. (|;-)=

I am a professional translator and language teacher.

 I teach and translate from and into Portuguese, French, Spanish and English. I can also read and/or speak Hebrew, Latin and Italian, but not well enough to work with it.

 I live in Areal, RJ, Brazil, and in my spare time (which isn't much), I keep my apostolate (St. Jerome's Hour) running.

 My main interests are languages and religion. Sometimes I can get both things together with a secondary interest of many, as the Hebrew Bible verses cards I made. You can find them in my ODDS AND ENDS page.

 I have been working for the last ten years on a comparison of the Jewish and the Christian conceptions of Messianity, in which I present the Jewish conceptions of messianity throughout the last 2,200 years, as opposed to the Christian point of view about the denial of Jesus as Messiah by the Jewish People. It envolves pratically all the false Messiahs that appeared throughtout Jewish History and most of the Church's teachings about Judaism.
 I have been working on that subject for a few years now, and I hope it will be ready in a few more years...

Newspapers I read:

JB - In Portuguese. Great newspaper. The on-line edition is a little bit too slow, though. Too many frames for the Brazilian bandwidth, I think (|:-(=

O Dia - "Popular" newspaper, that in its printed edition carries some news on my region.

Jerusalem Post - If I forget thee, O Jerusalem... English

Le Monde Diplomatique - French. Monthly world news.



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Páginas d'A Hora de São Jerônimo

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