Road to the Library

You walk along slowly, the Gatekeepers words in your head. Was this safe?¿?¿ You shook your head, refocusing your mind. You had a mission. If this fellow at the library....what was his name again....Nidfar....strange name.....anyway if he coudl help you then so be it......

Up ahead you spot a bridge. Trees grow up around it in abundance as a small river flows quickly past. Banners decorate the sides as shields are adorned to the center railings of the walkway. Huge living structures met the bridge on either side of the river, as if built for a family to live in. But this place was not inhabited, as told to you by the Gatekeeper adn by your own eyes. Not a soul was around as you passed by the castle on this side and crossed the bridge. The buildings were kept up, as if people had been living here all the time. But the air was quiet of any sound other than you and the river. Too quiet almost. You half expected a troll or something to jump out and block your crossing. Your way was unimpeded though and you crossed safely to the other side, continuing on your way.......

To the library