The Great Celestia Projects


Celestia.  It is an astronomical program that can give vision to nearly anything that you can imagine.  There are some people who are amazingly skilled at manipulating the add-ons, while others create fantastic models to use within the program.  And there are others, like myself, who are content to create basic planetary systems, taking pleasure in figuring out new solar systems, and unique worlds.
As such, what follows are various projects of mine using Celestia.  They are not meant to be ground breaking, but they are meant to be as accurate and true towards such settings as I have chosen to represent.  Most of what you will find here is simply the raw data, gathered from various sources.  Making Celestia add-ons can take some time, and it is a slow process.
ArcBuilder Universe
Stargate Universe
Star Trek Universe


October 13, 2005
  • In the Stargate section, I've added all of the worlds seen or mentioned up through the end of season 7.

October 10, 2005

  • In the Stargate section, I've added all the worlds seen or mentioned up through season 6 (previously I had completed up to season 5).
  • Created this update box.


Appropriate Links and References
Celestia Program

Stargate References


Page contents © John M. Dollan 2005
This page first uploaded July 22, 2005
This page last updated October 13, 2005