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More poems about Dogd

If you live near Haileybury and often drive
along Lakeshore,
You will see a couple of dogs you just have
to adore,
Beautifully carved of a high pedigree you can
easily tell,
And they guard the seven six four lakeshore
very well.
The owners we want to thank for the merriment
they bring,
For they are often dressed up quite fancy and you
want to sing
A song of laughter for they look so fancy just
sitting there,
With cute bandanas or funny hats dancing in
the air.
This week they wore hats, the umbrella one made
of our flag
They seemed all proud and of those flags wanting
to brag.
At Christmas Santa bright hats adorn those patient
doggie friends,
And to all who pass a Happy Christmas message
they send.
Easter bonnets and bandanas bright many a
dull day,
So thank you dear owner of the dogs for the joy that
comes our way.

M Ann Margetson 6 July 2006