Comment to article "Drinking in Tradition" in USA Today
on Monday, March 30, 1998, Life section
Published on April 1, 1998 on page 10A
The letter I wrote before it was edited:
"Students drinking out of control" - The whole discussion is just ridiculous! Have you never done something what was forbidden? Something, everyone else told you not to do? Of course, that's just the extra appeal to actually doing that. Even if you don't really feel like it you do it because it's cool!
As a German grad student, experiencing the German as well as the American university life I am just shocked about the big deal Americans make out of alcohol! This is not an issue at all in Germany. People are being taken seriously. You are allowed to drink beer when you turn 16, with 18 you are an adult with all responsibilities.
American teenagers are supposed to be mature enough to drive cars with 16, to join the military with 18 but are treated as foolish kids when it comes to alcohol. Why don't they get a chance to prove that they can manage their own lives without restrictions? Don't say that it won't work! There are societies, similar to the American, where it does work. Most German teenagers get drunk once and that's it, because it is NOT cool!