Who I am

Hello everyone, thank you for visiting this web site of mine. It is my first effort. As you can see, this website is dedicated to two of my main interests, photography and literature. However, it is more weighted towards photography, purely because it is more difficult to write content for Literature. Perhaps when I take up my place at the National University of Singapore doing the aforementioned subject, I will be able to put up more stuff on Literature. At the moment I have put up some of my personal writings, an unfinished short story and some literary essays. I do hope you can give me some feedback on them.

So a little more about me. I am a 20 year old boy at the threshold of adulthood and university life. I have a few interests, among them, photography, writing, literature, film and theatre. In the future when I emerge as an adult into the working world, I hope to land a career in one of these interests. Number one on the list is stage acting.

Photography at the moment is my main interest. But not photography in a conventional way I think. I have gone off the usual genres of landscape, portraiture and the like in favour of a more free and easy sponteniety of photographing what captures my eye. I could call it street photography, but characterising it does not readily help in what is essentially to me an indefinable thing. I think calling my photography a visual notebook comes closest to an agreeable definition. Gradually I have found myself moving away from photography per se to an interest in the other visual mediums such as theatre and film. Part of the reason has clearly been to distance myself from the dogmatic photographers in Singapore, who I feebly critize at occasional points in my website. Somehow I find myself wanting not to call myself a "photographer" or a "photojournalist" when I see the community I would be lumped with. On a more positive tone, my interest in theatre was sparked off in my discovery last year of my innate tendancy towards being an exhibitionist. I love the adrenaline rush that comes from performing on stage. My interest in film came from the enjoyment of it's critical analysis, (skills I learnt in Literature) and also the technical matters that came with the mastery of the photographic process. Film-making took these things I had learnt onto a totally new level.

I keep forgeting to add that I am from Johor Bahru, southern tip of Peninsula Malaysia. Though I hold a Malaysian passport, I have been studying in Singapore from a very young age and so know Singapore better than my own country. In any case I consider myself as being part of both countries.

If you've got any questions to ask me or just want to find out stuff, please e-mail me !!! at (adisoon@pl.jaring.my)

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