XP Series:

Microsoft Publisher 2002

Step by Step

XP Series: Microsoft Publisher 2002. Explore a whole new world of Microsoft Publisher®. Learn to create, edit, enhance and beautifies your publication using a known-to-all desktop publishing program by Microsoft.

Get one step ahead from the others by using Microsoft Publisher® 2002. This book tells you all you need to know to produce a spectacular, brilliant publication.
The approach is easy to follow using step-by-step guide. By the time you are done with this book, handling publication would be as easy as one, two, three.

The exercise provided in the book also will lead a way for you to discover other features offered in the software. Explore and be creative. Produce your own business card, advertisement, greeting cards, calendars, newsletters, and a lot more.

ISBN: 983-2031-58-3 Price: RM27.50

©2003, Iskandar Ab Rashid
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