Every morning at seven o'clock, Swami Yogananda sends a Divine Healing Prayer Vibration to his students and all who ask his help in healing and liberating themselves from physical or mental disease or the spiritual suffering of ignorance. Anyone who wishes to avail himself of this help, which Swami is happy to extend to all, may write to the Los Angeles Headquarters and briefly state the nature of his or her trouble.


On November 9th, Swami entertained at luncheon the famous American Indian baritone, Chief Yowlache of the Yakima tribe in Washington, also Mrs. Yowlache, and the gifted writer, Sun Rise (Rita Green Breeze), one of whose poems appears in this issue.


Mr. M. K. Serailian writes: "The melody is in Armenian style. The first three lines are grave and regretful yet mellow, but the fourth line is positive and progressive, in keeping with the words. It is arranged for piano and four voices. The air is simple enough for the individual to sing as the song of his soul.

SHEET MUSIC (For Piano). "My Soul Is Marching On." Words by Swami Yogananda, music by M. K. Serailian. "A very beautiful, haunting and unusual melody."


In the course of Swami Yogananda's lectures and classes in various cities, hundreds are healed of different physical, mental and spiritual sufferings. Once in a while, however, a case of unusual interest or circumstances comes up, and we are glad to report it in these columns in order to acknowledge the power of the Great Spirit working His healing miracles. A Los Angeles student, Mrs. Otto Crimman of 211 West Shorb Ave., Graham, California, in the presence of a large number of students at the healing meeting at the Center on November 1, 1925, threw away her crutch that she had used for five years and also became healed of severe neuritis of twenty-five years' standing. She gives the following testimonial: "Five years ago my Hollywood home was robbed. The shock gave me an attack of nervous prostration, and upon recovering I could only walk with the help of crutches. I also had suffered for 25 years from agonizing neuritis. In October I took the course of Swami Yogananda's and helped myself greatly thru the exercises. Then at the healing meeting on November 1st the healing vibrations were so strong in me that I stood up and walked without my crutch, and have never used it since. The neuritis pains came back one night, and as I was going to get some medicine, the thought came to me to do nothing but pray and practice the Yogoda exercises, which I did. The pain left me immediately and has never returned."


The founder and owner of Mission Gardens, a place of art and beauty on Mount Washington, Mr. Jay Wellington, when first asked by Swami how many acres he had, replied "Eight." But the next day when he met Swami again, he said, "I want to correct yesterday's misstatement. We have sixteen acres," meaning the eight acres of Mission Gardens and the eight acres of our Center, which are situated side by side occupying one whole breast and slope of Mount Washington. Such is the brotherly spirit of Mr. Wellington. As a result of long mutual prayers, two sister organizations, one representing the East and the other the West, have come to reside side by side, to build together a beacon fire to show all travelers of the Occident and Orient, the royal road to Unity.


Swami had a triumphant return to Los Angeles in October and lectured to crowds in the Philharmonic Auditorium. A large and enthusiastic Yogoda class and new Super-Advanced Course were given, and much demonstration of public interest was shown. The Opening of the Mount Washington Educational Center brought visitors from all parts of the country.

In November Swami opened his lectures in the Morrison Hotel in Chicago and attracted large crowds of eager listeners to the message of Yogoda. The first night, Swami was introduced to the audience by the distinguished Dr. Julian P. Arnold, son of the famous poet, Sir Edwin Arnold, author of "The Song Celestial" and "The Light of Asia." Dr. Arnold is himself the author of several works.

Swami spoke on "East and West" before the Chicago Hindustan Association, and was very much pleased with its harmonious work and activities.

About four hundred Chicago people took the Yogoda class and Swami was pressed to repeat the course over again, but other plans had been made. About a hundred students came down to the train to see Swami off to Rochester, where he spoke to about 5000 people in one day, at two lectures, both of which were given at the Lyceum Theatre. Sixty students were enrolled for a Yogoda class at these two lectures and Swami gave his Yogoda message to this devoted group. Mr. Valdimir Rising, Conductor of the Eastman School of Music and a famous tenor, gave Swami every possible cooperation. Swami was invited to the home of Mr. G. Eastman, and was very much impressed with his personality, keen business mind, and great philanthropic works. Mr. Eastman presented Swami with one of his wonderful little latest model Kodaks in remembrance of his visit to Rochester.

Swami left Rochester for New York and spent several delightful days renewing old friendships there. He then went on to Boston, to spend the Christmas holidays there as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Lewis. In Boston Swami attended the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Hindustan Association of America, and opened the meeting on December 27th with a prayer. One of the speakers made an appeal that all discarded magazines be sent to India for needy schools and students there. Magazines with educational value, such as the Literary Digest, Scientific American, Physical Culture, Popular Science, etc., are especially welcome. There is no doubt that the gift of knowledge is the greatest gift.

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