On April 18th, Swami Yogananda opened his series of free lectures in the beautiful and famous Carnegie Hall in New York City. His success there was tremendous. The Rev. E. A. Lohman, writing for the "Pittsburgh Yogoda Light," described the opening night in the following way: "Never in all my experience have I found such intense interest and enthusiasm displayed concerning a teacher or teachings as I find in every city the Swami visits. If any power in heaven or earth can establish peace among men and nations, and heal the human heart, that power is to be found in the teachings of our dear Swami. At the opening lecture in New York City, Carnegie Hall was filled to capacity, and more than a thousand people were turned away only after the police reserves were called to quell the besieging crowds. . . . Of the 3,000 persons present, not ten left the hall until Swami said his pleasant good-night. He simply held them spell-bound.

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