Is it true that boric acid is the safest thing for the eyes? No. Boric acid in large amounts is dangerous. It has brought death by poisoning a number of times; and all forms-solution, powder and ointment-have been held responsible in one case or another. In small amounts it does not destroy germs, hence gives little protection. Some authorities say that freshly-boiled and cooled water is as useful for washing an infant's eyes as boric acid; while for removing pus from an infected eye, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a weak solution is much more effective.

Is it true that women live longer than men? Yes, according to statistics from medical sources women have a better chance of longevity. Insofar as the men are concerned, slender" men have the best chance. In either case, a weight increase of 25% or more above normal endangers health and brings a sharp decrease in the likelihood of a long life.



Mineral Oil-often used in reducing diets because it supplies no calories, since the body cannot use it as food--is actually harmful, according to many dieticians. Vitamins A, D, E and K and carotene dissolve readily in mineral oil and are excreted from the body--since it rejects the oil. Experiments have shown that prolonged use can cause vitamin deficiencies, rickets, liver damage, visual abnormalities, slower clotting time for the blood, and complications at time of parturition. Potato chips and doughnuts fried in mineral oil are sold commercially. Some salad dressings also contain this type of oil. You can, avoid these by checking the labels on french dressing or mayonnaise.

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