Why Happy Travails ?
Well, happy because we're always happiest when on the road......and travails because travelling often entails hard work and less-than-comfortable environments: like when you're on a cramped long-distance trip, sharing legroom with pigs, chickens and who-knows-what-else in a toilet-free zone, on a bumpy, dusty road, in a 30-year old school bus originally designed for small children, going six miles per hour, with only about 120 more to go...
You get the idea.
This homepage can take you to a number of pages and sites that Marc and Karen have put together, whether it has to do with some of their personal interests (like travel photography, dancing), or is on a more professional level—their CVs/resumes, for instance.
(Note that the web address www.happytravails.com has already changed here to a site at Geocities; that's just because www.happytravails.com is not technically a site in itself, but rather an address that, hopefully, is easier for you to remember.)
p r o f e s s i o n a l
- Marc Dyer's CV/resume (pdf file)
- Karen Cooper's resume (pdf file)
- As Easy As PI
A simple page (to date, mostly just links) for Marc's students at the Petroleum Institute.
- Language Center
Until June of 2002, Marc maintained the LC's portion of Sultan Qaboos University's website.
Mostly travel photography—Yemen, Oman, Egypt, southern Africa, Scandinavia, Ethiopia, etc.
Check out what great things Granny (Karen's) has at her farmhouse in Kansas!
More photos from on the road, in Southeast Asia...
Marc created this website for his in-laws, the Cooper Family.
If you have a spare moment, please exit this website, simply by clicking on the Thai street sign here...
© 2004 Happy Travails ~ No Regrets Travel, Inc.