Mr George Lloyd late of Kempfey gave in his life time the sum of Forty Pounds one half of the Intereft thereof to be given in Bread at Chriftmas yearly forever to the Poor of this Parifh and the other half to the Poor of the Parifh of Severn Stoke to which said sum
Mr Richard Spencer late of this Parifh Executor to the said Mr Lloyd added Twenty Pounds in order to purchafe the Remainder of certain freehold lands call'd Sandpitts and Studmore as by writings in the Church more fully will appear which Lands the said Mr Spencer by his laft Will dated 21st of Auguft 1762 has given to ye Poor of the Parifhes of Kempfey and Severn Stoke aforesaid for ever
Elizabeth Nicholls late of this Parifh gave to the Poors ftock the sum of Five Pounds the Intereft thereof to be given in Bread yearly for ever
CHARLES GEARY Gent. of the Parift of St.Peter in the City of Worcester, by his will dated 1788. Gave the sum of £20, the Intereft thereof to be laid out in Bread & Coals, and Given at Chrisftmas Yearly, to ten Poor Women of this Parifh, not receiving weekly Pay, at the discretion of the Minister and Churchwardens.
Mrs. ELIZABETH EATON late of this Parifh Widow, by her Will dated May 18, 1879. Gave the Sum of £200. the Intereft thereof to be Applied Annually, for the benefit of fuch poor People of this Parifh, as the Minister,Churchwardens and Overseers fhall think fit.
the Blind Poor to have the Preference.
EDWARD HURDMAN Gent. late of this Parifh, Gave by Will the Sum of £100.the Intereft thereof to be Laid out in Clothing on St. Thomas's Day, for three or four Poor Men of the faid Parifh, Who Shall Consftantly attend Divine Service, at the discretion of the Minifter and Churchwardens, for the time being.
Mr. WILLIAM GILES. of this Parifh, Gave £5.the Intereft to be Given in Bread.
The several sums above mentioned were applied toward the Repairs of this Church, and the Intereft thereof has been and will be given annually to the Poor by the Churchwardens and Overseers acording to the Directions of the Donors.
A Table of Leases
On a Survey of this Church taken in the year 1799, it appeard that the walls were in a very Ruinous state, and the Roof so much decayed as to be in Danger of falling in,it was therefore agreed at a general Meeting of the Parifhoners, that the faid walls Should be taken Down and rebuilt, and the whole Church new Roof'd, and Slated, but as it would be attended with a very great Expence, the Truftees of the Lands belonging to the faid Church. in order to raise Money towards Completing so necefsary a work. Consented to Grant Leases of the Said Lands which were accordingly Let in feperate lots,for the Term of 99 Years. to the undermention'd Perfons being the higheft Bidders for the same, at Public Meetings held for that Purpofe; the Lease of the Firft Lot commences at Lady Day 1801. All the Reft at Michaelmas 1801. all trees whatsoever & A Yearly Rent of two Shillings and six pence being referv'd on each Lot during the Said Term.
Lot 1..Part of Bod's place.
3. Applehill
4.Amie's Acre
5.Normore and Kerfwell
6.Dotter Croft
9.In Napleton Field
10.In Ferny Piece
A.. R.. P..
Robt. Hurdman
Iohn Howell
Geo: Boulter
Saml. Green
Ino. Worthington.
Ino. Smith
Wm. Baker
Ino. Gorle
310 6 =
78 = =
80 = =
110 = =
45 = =
96 = =
119 = =
81 = =
40 = =
19 = =
IOHN GORLE ) Churchwardens,
GEO.BOULTER ) and Trustees