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James F. McGrath's Home Page

  A Resource Page for New Testament Studies

& Theological Studies in Romania

A Page for New Testament and Theological Resources in English and Romanian . . . O pagina de resurse teologice in engleza si romana . . .

About James F. McGrath:

I now teach at Butler University in Indianapolis. Please visit my new home page there for updated information about my courses and publications


Please visit my blog Exploring Our Matrix and read my thoughts on religion and science, contemporary issues, books I've been reading and all sorts of subjects


My publications and papers can now be found via my online CV! Some of the ones that were missing are now available again!

Interested in my book John's Apologetic Christology?


   Order it from which also now has a new book, The Gospel According to Superheroes, to which I've contributed a chapter.


Courses taught (for my recent and current courses at Butler University, click here):

Cross-Cultural Mission

Gospel of Matthew

New Testament Theology

New Testament Background

Biblical Interpretation

New Testament Greek I

New Testament Greek II: Link to Blackboard via the Biblical Theological Seminary website

Johannine Literature and General Epistles

Romanian Resources:

Studii Biblice: resurse pentru studiul Bibliei

Studii Teologice: resurse generale în teologie în limba româna

New Testament and Related Resources in English:

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies

Webnexus Biblical and Theological Studies Resources

Mark Goodacre's New Testament Resource Page

The Paul Page

Visit the IOUDAIOS Home Page

Search for Articles and Books on John

Learn about the Talmud and Rabbinic Writings



Search for CDs, or for Books on Romania, Biblical and Theological Studies, or other subjects!