Bibliografie pentru Cursul de Perioada Intertestamentara

* = indica resurse în limba româna

+=indica resurse foarte importante

Barrett, C. K., The New Testament Background: Selected Documents (revised edition), London: SPCK, 1987.

Beckwith, Roger, „Intertestamental Judaism, its literature and its significance", în Themelios 15/3 (1990) p.77-81.

* Birdsall, J. N., „Apocrife" în în Dictionar Biblic. Volumul 2: L-Z, Oradea: „Cartea Crestina", 1995, p.61-63.

* Birdsall, J. N., „Logos" în Dictionar Biblic. Volumul 2: L-Z, Oradea: „Cartea Crestina", 1995, p.772-773.

Bruce, F. F., "Between the Testaments", în The New Bible Commentary Revised, ed. D. Guthrie, J. A. Motyer, A. M. Stibbs, D. J. Wiseman; London: IVP, 1970, p.59-63.

* Ellison, H. L., „Fariseii" în Dictionar Biblic. Volumul 2: L-Z, Oradea: „Cartea Crestina", 1995, p.445-446.

* Feinberg, C. L., „Sinagoga" în Dictionar Biblic. Volumul 2: L-Z, Oradea: „Cartea Crestina", 1995, p.1209-1210.

Ferguson, Everett, Backgrounds of Early Christianity, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1973.

* Guthrie, Donald, „Pseudografe, Scrierile", în Dictionar Biblic. Volumul 2: L-Z, Oradea: „Cartea Crestina", 1995, p.1091-1093.

+* Ladd, George Eldon, Prezenta Viitorului, Oradea: „Cartea Crestina", 1997.

+Longenecker, Richard N., Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975/Carlisle: Paternoster, 1995.

Tenney, Merrill C., New Testament Times, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965.

* Tenney, Merrill C., Privire de Ansamblu asupra Noului Testament, BEE, 1983.

+* Badilita, Cristian, Apocalipsa lui Ioan în traditia iudeo-crestina, Bucuresti: Humanitas, 1998.

Beale, G. K., ed., The Right Dictrine from the Wrong Texts? Essays on the Use of the Old Testament in the New, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994.

Bickerman, Elias, From Ezra to the Last of the Maccabees, Schocken Books, 1962.

*Daniel, Constantin, Orientalia Mirabilia, Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, 1976.

*Eisenberg, Jody, O istorie a evreilor, Humanitas, 1993.

Faragau, Beniamin, Evanghelia dupa Matei. capitolele 1-10, Cluj: Logos, 1998.

* Flavius Iosif, Istoria Razboiului Iudeilor împotriva Romanilor, Bucuresti: Hasefer, 1997.

García Martínez, Florentino, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated. The Qumran Texts in English (second edition),  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans/Leiden: Brill, 1996.

Gaster, Theodor H., The Dead Sea Scriptures (third edition), Garden City: Doubleday, 1976.

Goldstein, Jonathan A., 1 Maccabees (Anchor Bible, 41), Garden City: Doubleday, 1976.

+Goldstein, Jonathan A., "Jewish Acceptance and Rejection of Hellenism", în Jewish and Christian Self-Definition. Volume Two: Aspects of Judaism in the Greco-Roman Period, ed. E. P. Sanders with A. I. Baumgarten and Alan Mendelson; London: SCM, 1981, p.64-87.

Grabbe, Lester L., Wisdom of Solomon, Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.

Gundry, Robert H., A Survey of the New Testament (revised edition), Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981.

* Hadot, Pierre,  Ce este filosofia antica?,  Polirom, 1997.

+Hengel, Martin, Judaism and Hellenism, London: SCM, 1974.

* Hersch, Jeanne, Mirarea filozofica. Istoria filozofiei europene Humanitas, 1994.

Jaegersma, H., A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba, SCM/Fortress, 1986.

Jeremias, Joachim, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period, Philadelphia: Fortress/London: SCM, 1969.

+* Keller, Werner, Si Biblia are Totusi Dreptate, [editura & data necunoscute]

Koch, Klaus, The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic, London: SCM, 1972.

Kugel, James L. si Rowan A. Greer, Early Biblical Interpretation, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1986.

Lohse, Eduard, The New Testament Environment, Nashville: Abingdon, 1976.

Longenecker, Bruce W., 2 Esdras, Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.

McDowell, Josh & Bill Wilson, El a umblat printre noi, Oradea: SMR, 1994.

Metzger, Bruce M., An Introduction to the Apocrypha, Oxford University Press, 1957.

Myers, Jacob M., 1 & 2 Esdras (Anchor Bible, 42), Garden City: Doubleday, 1974.

* Negoita, Athanase, Manuscrisele Eseniene de la Marea Moarta, Editura Stiintifica, 1993.

+* Negoita, Athanase, Noul Testament si Manuscrisele de la Qumran,  Stefanus, 1993.

Porton, Gary G., "Diversity in Postbiblical Judaism" în Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters, ed. R. A. Kraft s i G. W. E. Nickelsburg; Atlanta: Schaolars, 1986, p.57-80.

Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text, ed. F. M. Cross si S. Talmon, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975.

Rowland, Christopher, Christian Origins, London: SPCK, 1985.

Russell, D. S., Between the Testaments, London: SCM, 1963.

+Russell, D. S., Divine Disclosure. An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic, London: SCM, 1992.

+Russell, D. S., The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, London: SCM, 1964.

Russell, D. S., The Jews from Alexander to Herod (The New Clarendon Bible, OT vol.5), Oxford University Press, 1967.

+Sanders, E. P., Judaism: Practice and Belief 63 BCE - 66 CE, London: SCM/Philadelphi: TPI, 1992

Snaith, Norman H., The Jews from Cyrus to Herod, New York: Abingdon, 1956.

Stegner, William Richard, Narrative Theology in Early Jewish Christianity.

* Tenney, Merrill C., J.I. Packer si W. White, Viata Cotidiana în Vremurile Biblice, Agape, 1997.

+* Tofana, Stelian, Introducere în Studiul Noului Testament. Volumul 1: Text si Canon; Epoca Noului Testament, „Presa Universitara Clujeana", 1997.

+Vermes, Geza, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (third edition), Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.

Vermes, Geza, Jesus the Jew, Collins, 1973 (London: SCM, 1994).