The main site for the American Copy Editors Society.

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Job postings
Southern California job seekers and recruiters, see our
job postings page.

Past programs
2001 Conference ACES comes to Long Beach 
Copy Editors and the New Media: A Whole New World Wide Web.
Bridging the Great Divide panel discussion.
Grammar workshop in Orange County.
Hat Day in The Times' Business section.

Members who are making news.

Contact us
For questions about Southern California ACES, e-mail:
Melissa McCoy

Web mistress
For suggestions or submissions to this site, e-mail:
Deirdre Edgar

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SoCal Chapter
Goes to Louisville
Many representatives of ACES' Southern California chapter attended the society's sixth national conference, April 25-27, 2002, in Louisville, Ky. More than 350 presenters and participants gathered at the Galt House Hotel downtown for the conference and cruise on the riverboat Belle of Louisville.

Steve Devol (right) of the L.A.Times chats with Mike Peters of the Dallas Morning News.

Freelance editor Christine Steele of Sherman Oaks and Kathie Bozanich of the L.A. Times join Susan McNally- Worrell of the Skagit Valley (Wash.) Herald before the cruise.

John Futch of the Long Beach Press-Telegram (foreground) joins others at the closing session.

Tom Wright and Jack Mulkey of the Daily Breeze enjoy the riverboat cruise before the rain started.

Deirdre Edgar of the L.A. Times spoke on "Crime and Punishment," along with Scott Toole of the Easton (Pa.) Express-Times and David Sullivan of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Melissa McCoy of the L.A. Times led a discussion on "Fighting Words: Sensitive Issues With Language."

Kathie Bozanich of the L.A. Times (right) with Carolyn Lee of the New York Times and Merv Aubuespin of The Courier-Journal on "Mentoring."

Michelle Maltais of the Los Angeles Times was a big winner in ACES' second annual headline contest. Maltais tied for first place in the large-publications division. She also received an honorable mention in that category, as did Marc Olson of the Times' Orange County edition.


Deirdre Goebel Edgar of the 
Los Angeles Times was among three people elected to ACES' executive committee. Her term will run until June 2004. 

Steve Devol takes in the Louisville skyline from the riverboat.

Melinda Brown of the L.A. Times on Derby Day at Churchill Downs. 

John Futch takes in some beer.

Photos courtesy of Melinda Brown, Steve Devol, Deirdre Edgar, 
Patricia Marroquin, Jeff Pierron and Christine Steele.

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