The assignments for the last part of the course are v. kewl and have been agreed by all of us as follows. Each of you has the following subject.
Molly - Christopher (aka Kit) Marlowe
Rebekka - Tom Stoppard
Rachel - Brecht and Satire
Kayte - Ben Jonson
Alex - Vaudeville

Each week you will bring in at least one new, neat discovery. You have two aims for your assignment:
1 - To search your subjects work and find a suitable bit of script for us to rehearse and play with - you will direct the piece you find.
2 - To use the research you do for your main paper for me to see at the end of the course (minimum length 362 words).
Use the links (blue underlined words) next to your names to get you started. Have fun! - Mr. K. . . . . 1