My Awards Page

These are the awards I've won. You can go to some of their pages, by going to my homepage and looking under links. Some of their homepages may not be on my page though. Thanks to everyone who sent me an award! These people all deserve an award them selves!

I was thrilled to get my 1st award!

I was still very happy to get my 2nd award.

My 3rd award was fun to get.

I loved my 4th award!

This was my 5th award I won.

I liked my 6th award a lot!

My 7th award was a thrill to get.

I loved getting my 8th award from my sister!

It was great to get my 9th award!

I was really happy to get my 10th award!

I was really thrilled to get my 11th award

I got my 12th award and was really happy.

I got my 13th from another Meg.

I liked my 14th award a lot!

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