This first poem I wrote when I have done something to my leg and the doctors did not know what was wrong with me. I was frusterated at the time, since it had been a long time also. I also thought that it nice to get some extra credit in Language Arts while also expressing my feelings.
This Early Life Crisis
My life is changing in a drastic way.
It all started the month before May.
In April I was doing fine.
But then I wound up in a bind.
I didn't cheat, I didn't lie
I just stood up and my leg said "bye".
I heard a snap. It really hurt.
My mom rushed in, eating a frankfurt.
She heard my cry of pain,
For it really hurt! I wasn't being lame!
I fell back on the couch,
Only to find I had landed on my pouch.
I continued to scream and cry,
My mom let out a big sigh.
She said it was a cramp,
And the pain was going up and down my leg like a twisty ramp.
It wouldn't stop hurting that night.
The night of April 26th.
It didn't feel better after I had a "Twix".
Finally I went to sleep,
Feeling the pain down deep.
I woke up, hearing my mom's word's from the night before,
"You can skip school if it hurts even more."
"It does hurt more!" I said.
So I sat on the couch and read.
My mom got worried.
So she called the doctor in a hurry,
Because I said my leg hurt even more!
And it was beginning to be a bore.
We had X-Rays.
It wasn't worth the pay.
They couldn't find anything.
I started to feel a sharp "ping".
I went to the doctor's several more times.
My leg started to swell up like a big lime.
I got an MRI.
It was easy, a piece of pie.
We got the report back yesterday.
We opened it up, this was the 21st of May.
Guess what it said?
There's nothing wrong with my head!
That's not what I mean!
Now I feel like a stupid lima bean!
What I meant to say was, they couldn't find anything wrong with my leg.
I'm starting to feel like a peg-leg!
Oh why, oh why can't they find anything?!
I go to the doctor today,
Probably just to find out how much to pay.
So you see, my life I changing.
My life is ruled,
By a bunch of doctors and the teachers at school!
The nicest thing would be,
Is if I could get out of this,
This Early-Life Crisis!