Sign Up for My Award!

I have finally made up my own award. If you think you would like it, please e-mail me at:

and send me your webpage address.

I have a few rules though:
1. Your page must be creative!
2. Your page must not be all links to other pages.
3. Your page must not have any pornography, swearing, or anything else along that line.
4. Your page can be about anything, not just reading and writing.

Those are my rules for now. I think they're pretty fair, and if your page meets all the rules, then you will get an award! I will get back to you & personalize the award for you if I think you and your page deserve it. Enjoy!!

I have entered in the Site Fights. If you've voted for me, please copy this and put it on your page:

Thanks for voting for me!!

Click on the dog to return to my homepage!